The dear old bill bonus is back again in 2023: here’s who gets it and how to request it this year without too many problems.
The transition from 2022 to 2023 has left us with very strong doubts regarding the cost of water, electricity and gas bills; in the last months of last year the increase in prices was truly incredible, sending several Italian families into crisis who had to patch up and improve the situation thanks to the bill bonus which has also been confirmed for 2023.
The Government Maneuver approved last December has extended the bill bonus that was requested by thousands of families in Italy in 2022. Thanks to this bonus, many Italians have seen various discounts appear on their water, electricity and gas bills, even quite high and the good news and that the discounts have been extended even in the new year.
Who is entitled to the 2023 bill bonus: the new ISEE ceiling
Although the bonus is substantially the same compared to last year, there have nevertheless been some changes due to the new Budget Law of the Meloni government which has brought the maximum ceiling of the ISEE for requesting the bonus to €15,000. Initially it was set at €8625 and raised in 2022 to €12,000, in 2023 it will be, as mentioned, €15,000, giving many more families the opportunity to request it.
Alternatively, other categories of families can request it even if they exceed the maximum ISEE limit imposed by the Budget law: for example, all those families who have 4 or more dependent children with an ISEE that does not pass I €20,000. In addition to the maximum ceiling for the ISEE, however, there are other factors to keep in mind before requesting the bonus.
Other requirements and how to request the bonus in 2023
To apply for the bill bonus also in 2023, not only do families have to comply with the maximum ISEE limit for the whole household, but also comply with other requirements which are clearly indicated on the ARERA websitethe body that deals with subsidies and regulation for energy, networks and the environment. All the procedures for requesting the bonus this year are also shown on the site.

First of all, it is necessary that one of the members of the household of that particular ISEE is also the holder of an electricity, water and/or natural gas supply contract; moreover, the supply contract must be linked to family-owned homes (therefore non-local or other) and finally each family unit is entitled to only one bonus per type (water, electricity or gas). If you meet all these requirements you can immediately request your bill bonus even in 2023!