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New beach refills planned in Sainte-Luce

The mayor hopes that this larger work will protect municipal infrastructure from erosion for many years to come.

The encroachment in the river to soften the wave should be greater

A quote from:Roch Vézina, mayor of Sainte-Luce

meters “,” text “:” The small recharge will cover a distance of about 500 meters “}}”>The small recharge will cover a distance of about 500 meters, says Mayor Roch Vézina.

Anse-aux-Coques beach, in Sainte-Luce, will be the subject of upgrading work that includes a beach recharge this fall. The Ministry of Public Security is financing 80% of the cost of carrying out this work, estimated at $ 2.5 million.

The Minister of Public Security, Geneviève Guilbault, announced this work last summer during her visit to the region.

The Municipality will spend, for its part, 500,000 dollars for this new beach recharge.

Higher recharge than in 2014?

According to the mayor, the work this fall will be more important and the recharge could be higher than that of 2014.

The beach recharge costs scheduled for this fall are higher than the last recharge in 2014.

The cost of the work was $ 1.3 million. Quebec then authorized, by ministerial decree and without an environmental impact study, a pilot project to protect the cove from bank erosion.

If you walk by the beach yourself, you’ll see, I’m going to use a bad word, “stuck”, you have to try to fix that and you have to try to stop doing it again every year. It takes resources, it takes money, supports Roch Vézina.

The municipal council approved the loan by-law during the meeting of May 19.

Councilor Micheline Barriault believes that the Municipality should have consulted the citizens before the loan by-law of $ 500,000 necessary for the small beach recharge was adopted. (archives).

Photo : SIIEQ

City councilor and mayoral candidate Micheline Barriault voted against this resolution.

She believes that the municipality should have, for the sake of transparency, first consulted the citizens of Sainte-Luce.

According to her, many citizens do not understand the intentions of the Municipality.

I think the population is entitled to have that information. At the council level, we are there to represent the interests of the population. For me, this is a fundamental question, the population should have been consulted and informed about the loan by-law and the project submitted to us by the Ministry of Public Security., supports the advisor.

The beach and promenade of Anse-aux-Coques, in Sainte-Luce.

A second beach recharge, larger this time, must be carried out in the coming years.

Photo: Radio-Canada / François Gagnon

In addition to this work, the Municipality of Sainte-Luce and the Ministère de la Sécurité publique are planning to carry out other recharging work on the beach between the promenade and the Eider inn, over a distance of a little over two kilometers, over the next few years.

This work, on a larger scale than that carried out previously, is estimated at approximately $ 11 million. The Municipality would then have to pay a sum of $ 200,000.

According to the mayor, public consultations will eventually take place.

The mayor believes that the project should be submitted to the Office of Public Hearings on the Environment (BAPE).

According to information from Isabelle Damphousse

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