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new arrests after a foiled coup

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New suspects, including generals, soldiers and police officers have been arrested in Madagascar following the foiled assassination project of President Andry Rajoelina, announced on Sunday 1is August Attorney General Berthine Razafiarivony.

“On the plan to assassinate the President of the Republic, to date, 21 people have been arrested” and are under investigation, the attorney general told reporters. Among the 21 people arrested, “Twelve are active soldiers and gendarmes, including five generals, two captains and five non-commissioned officers, said the prosecutor. There are also four national and foreign gendarmes and retired soldiers and five other civilians. “

Fourteen people were taken into custody, and police said 209,300 euros, a gun and two cars were seized during the arrests.

Read also Madagascar claims to have foiled an assassination attempt on the president, two French arrested

Two French people initially arrested

Six people, including two French, were initially arrested on suspicion of having been involved in this failed coup attempt.

On July 22, the Madagascan prosecutor’s office claimed to have foiled an assassination attempt on President Andry Rajoelina, which prosecutors said was part of a plot. “According to the material evidence in our possession, these individuals have devised a plan to eliminate and neutralize the various Malagasy personalities including the head of state”, said the prosecutor, without further clarification.

The plot revelations came after months of turmoil marked by threats against journalists covering the Covid-19 pandemic in the country and the onset of famine in the south.

Mr. Rajoelina, 47, came to power in March 2009 with the support of the army. He won the last election in December 2018, beating his rival and predecessor Marc Ravalomanana in a poll marred by accusations of fraud.

Read also In Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina will have an absolute majority in the National Assembly

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