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New Arechi, it will be a four-way game

A four-way challenge to win the match on the realization of the restyling of the Arechi stadium and the conversion of Fox field. The games are over and, now, the 103 million euro maxi intervention for the sports facilities of Salerno launched by the Campania Region (and to be implemented through Arus, the regional agency for sport led by Flavio De Martino) comes to life: yesterday, in fact, in the offices in via Kennedy a Napolia few steps from the Mostra d’Oltremare, there was the first competition session in which the Rup of the intervention, the architect Pietro Delle Donne, began to “comb through” the offers submitted by verifying the consistency of the packages sent. Yesterday, in practice, it was understood whether the documentation sent by the economic operators was complete or missing some requested documents. And, above all, it was understood how many companies (or temporary groupings of companies) came forward for the maxi contract: there are four, in fact. A poker challenge to change the face of the most important sports facilities forever Salerno.

The first race session and the developments

Yesterday, therefore, we entered the operational phase of the contract, with the checks of the proposals that reached the Arus table. Further steps are expected in the next few days with the judging commission which will begin to evaluate the merits of the four proposals. Checks which will concern not only the economic offer and the “discount” proposed by the companies compared to the starting price but, above all, the technical offer and the coherence of the proposals compared to what was designed and imagined by Arus for the restyling of the Arechi and the conversion of Volpe into an alternative pitch to Salernitana during the construction of the prince of stadiums. Shortly, therefore, the scheduling of the tender sessions will also be made official which, in the case of activation of the preliminary investigation (the procedure that allows economic operators to “correct” their proposals in the event of reports from the contracting authority), they can also multiply until they reach white smoke. The times, therefore, are all to be evaluated: the Region’s hope is that the maxi-contract for the Salerno sports facilities can be defined by the end of this year, so as to proceed with the deliveries of the construction site areas already at the beginning of 2025. But, given the complexity of the intervention, it cannot be ruled out that the operation may require more time.

The double project

The process to trigger the “revolution” of Salerno’s sports facilities, therefore, comes to life. For the Arechi, based on what was highlighted by Arus in the design guidance document, they are foreseen works worth 86 million euros to be completed in 540 days: the new “prince of stadiums” will have approval by 31,350 spectators in line with the objective of making the plant “modern and functional”. Among the planned interventions; the construction of a roof with an adjoining photovoltaic system; the demolition of all existing additions to the facility with the restoration of the currently existing spaces under the podium in order to have the stands closer to the pitch and completely covered; the creation of skyboxes (12 for 8 people and 3 for 16) in the area where the windows of the VIP grandstand are currently located; the creation of an external “skin” composed of metal panels; the conversion of many internal spaces to facilitate the reception of spectators; a new lighting system for the pitch. As regards the Volpe, however, an intervention worth just over 22 million euros is estimated to be completed in six months: the construction of a brick grandstand (the one facing the sea) and the construction of temporary prefabricated stands are expected for the other sectors for a capacity of 15 thousand spectators. All around, the changing rooms will be recovered and renovated while the shed now used as a gym will house the press room. Furthermore, the construction of a new road system and the recovery of some elements (such as the lighthouse towers and turnstiles) currently in use at Arechi are planned. It will also be demolished PalaTulimierithe sports facility in via Allende for which, for the moment, no construction in another location is planned.

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