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New Aquitaine – Coronavirus in New Aquitaine. Self-medication of chloroquine would have

Ten people who had used chloroquine for self-medication would have been admitted to intensive care cardiology services in New Aquitaine.

These hospitalizations were observed over a period of one week and relate to patients who wished to fight against the effects of the coronavirus, specifies with NewsBordeaux Daniel Habold, director of the Regional Health Agency.

Heart problems

The doctor explains that the transition to intensive care of the sick has proven “More or less long” and was related to heart problems appeared after taking hydroxychloroquine.

“In any case, for all, this must be an invitation to be cautious”says Daniel Habold. The ARS also had published a press release on March 29 to warn of the dangers of self-medication with hydroxychloroquine, citing a “Risk of cardiac toxicity”. “The subject is very debatable and discussed”, recognizes the doctor.

“The molecule, all the more if it is combined with other drugs, can lead to serious disorders […] and potentially heart attacks “, concludes Daniel Habold quoted by NewsBordeaux.

Studies still incomplete

In France, tests on hydroxychloroquine are carried out by the controversial Pr Didier Raoult, which has drawn criticism after publishing two studies confirming itefficiency of this coronavirus treatment. In a second study on 80 patients, published online Friday, the director of the renowned Institut hospitalo-universitaire (IHU) Méditerranée Infection de Marseille, says that 80% of them experienced favorable development.

Many scientists point to the limits of these studies, because they were not carried out according to standard scientific protocols. In France, a decree regulates the provision hydroxychloroquine to avoid the risk of rupture while this drug is currently the subject of a craze.

Pending the results of Discovery, an ongoing European trial of four treatments, including hydroxychloroquine, France has authorized the administration of this molecule against Covid-19 in hospitals only and only in severe cases.

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