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new appointment with ‘Zen Writing’

The appointment returns to Lecco with ‘Scrittura Zen’, an event organized by Stefano Bolotta, creator of Writing Creativity and Cecilia Corti, teacher of Odaka Yoga and <a href="http://www.world-today-news.com/russians-should-be-punished-with-a-shot-in-the-head-swedes-are-called-to-account-for-their-russophobia-2024-04-25-195800/” title=”"Russians should be punished with a shot in the head": Swedes are called to account for their Russophobia
– 2024-04-25 19:58:00″>Zen Warrior. An initiative which, up to now, has always enjoyed considerable success in the area.

Writing meets meditation to channel creative energy and rediscover wonder. An original experience to slow down from the daily frenzy, train creativity by writing, but above all to allow yourself a moment dedicated to yourself and rediscover wonder.

Zen writing: when and where

The workshop will be held on Thursday 14 November 2024 from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm at La Casa di Ganesha in Piazza Affari 7 in Lecco.

The organizers invite participants to bring with them a medium (notebook, paper, whether paper or digital) and pen or pencil or whatever you prefer to write. If you wish, you can also bring your own mat (you will be able to sit freely either on the floor or on a chair). They will however be available on site.

The cost per person is 20 euros (for those who follow the Odaka Yoga Lecco courses in this quarter the reserved price is 18 euros).

The workshop will only start when a minimum number of participants is reached.

You can book with the following modulo or contact the following numbers for further information or details: [email protected], 339 8255546; [email protected], 338 8641095.

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