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New app shows when rabies vaccine is needed

Right away new tool of the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), GPs and people traveling abroad can check when a vaccination against rabies or rabies is needed.

Travelers at risk are not always vaccinated, while animal bites in risk areas are more common than the ‘classic’ infections with hepatitis A or typhoid fever, for example. The viral infection rabies no longer occurs in Belgium, but elsewhere it still makes tens of thousands of victims every year.

Infections usually occur after scratching, biting or licking infected animals. Without treatment, the infection is 100 percent fatal to humans. Despite the risk, doctors and travelers are still unclear as to when a vaccination is required. “Most people have themselves vaccinated against the classic dangers, such as hepatitis A or typhoid fever, before they leave for a distant destination. Very necessary vaccinations for many places in the world”, says Patrick Soentjens, chief physician at ITM. “However, research shows that animal bites are even more common than such an infection. Nevertheless, travelers at risk are not always vaccinated against rabies.”

Without vaccination, treatment only happens after people get a bite. Most animals are not infected, but it is usually not possible to determine this. In order not to take any risks, a treatment is always started, with draconian measures, such as a vaccination schedule over several visits. If the procedure is not followed correctly or if no specific immunoglobulins are present, this can be dangerous, according to ITM, because in rabies it is best to respond within 48 hours.

So many problems can be avoided with a vaccination in advance, but there are still many uncertainties. That is why ITM developed a tool that is scientifically substantiated with recent data. The system takes into account the destination, but also the various risk factors of the traveler. Consider the age of the person, the duration of the trip, any future trips and risky activities, such as jogging, cycling or visiting a monkey park. The distance to an available vaccine is also important.

The new application is primarily intended for doctors, but travelers can also take a look. “I would recommend to them in the first place Wanda to download, the travelers app we recently developed “, says Soentjens.” It contains all the information people need about health before, during and after their trip. “

(Photo: © Belga)

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