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New anti-health pass demonstration in Montluçon (Allier): nearly sixty people gathered

The number of anti-health pass protesters continues to drop in Montluçon. While they were still nearly eighty in the streets Saturday October 9, they were only about sixty this Saturday October 16.

What confirms the decline in attendance recorded for several weeks.

New morning of mobilization for the sanitary pass in Montluçon (Allier)

A “circus crown”

The route of the procession was the same as in previous weeks: departure from the rue Porte-Saint-Pierre to join, by taking the boulevard de Courtais, the place de la Comédie, in front of the sub-prefecture. However, with an originality this Saturday, October 16: a parade on the theme of the circus.

Many demonstrators had thus come in costume (most of them as clowns) to denounce what they call a “corona circus”.

“I do not really understand why there are so few people”, underlines Elisabeth Ray, demonstrator who declared the gathering in the Prefecture. “But we won’t let go! If you have to come every Saturday, we’ll be there every Saturday! There is also a resumption of the yellow vests movement [ils étaient quelques-uns à s’être rassemblés en début d’après-midi au rond-point de la zone Saint-Jacques, NDLR]. This should give our movement a little boost. “

Laura Morel

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