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New Animal Welfare Law Introduces Responsibilities and Demands, But Certain Aspects Remain Uncertain

It comes into force on September 29 the Animal Welfare Law that introduces new responsibilities and demandsbut certain aspects of this rule will not come into force from day one because it requires a specific regulation.

For this reason, certain aspects remain up in the airamong them, the one that forces the dog owners have mandatory insurance of Civil Liability to third parties.

The president of the College of Mediators of Zaragoza, Miguel de las Morenas, has pointed out that “the law is lame becausegiven that the Government is still in officethis regulation cannot be carried out through parliamentary procedure or developed”.

The rule leaves many aspects in the air, since it has to be the regulation that specifies them. As De las Morenas has pointed out, “The owner of a dog always has the obligation to repair the damage that his animal causes, regardless of whether he has insurance or not.”.

What also remains in the air, De las Morenas has pointed out and what the law includes, is the training course for dog owners, since “it has not been regulated whether the course should be done for those who are owners after the publication of the law or for all owners.”

When this regulation is available, the president of the Zaragoza Mediators has stressed, “the characteristics of this insurance will be published.”

De las Morenas also recalled that Some breeds must already have such insurance, this is the case of “potentially dangerous” dog breeds. for which “a minimum of Civil Liability insurance of 120,000 euros is required, although depending on each municipality it may rise to 180,000 euros.”


What he did want to remember is the mandatory that “both cats and ferrets, with the new rule, must have a microchip from next September 29”, has underlined. What the law also says is that when the regulations are in force, “which species can be in a house” will be specified, something that can “bring surprises,” Miguel de las Morenas pointed out.


2023-09-22 08:48:09
#Mandatory #insurance #dogs #remains #air #specific #regulation #Aragón #Digital

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