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New Agreement between Sergas and USC to Create 10 Associate Professor Positions

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An agreement between Sergas and the USC will create 10 new associate professor positionsConchi Paz

The Minister of Health, Julio García Comesañasigned an agreement this Tuesday with the rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Antonio Lopezfor which both entities Ten new associate professor positions will be created in various healthcare areas. The commitment assumed by the Xunta is to finance them with more than 150,000 euros for three yearsuntil 2026, and then it will be the academic institution that will assume the investment.

This is what Comesaña and López have advanced in a press conference offered after the signing of the agreement at the Faculty of Medicine, which was also attended by the dean of the same, Julian Alvarez; her counterpart in Nursing, Ana Isabel Dilveira Rodríguez; the vice-rector of Teaching Staff of the USC, Ernesto Gonzalez; the manager of Sergas, Estrella López-Pardo; and the vice-gerent, Carmen Balboa.

The Health Minister explained that the specificities of clinical teaching recommend this “special effort in which universities, hospitals and Primary Care centers must be involved.” Specifically, these ten places – currently, there are more than 200 in total – are created in seven clinical specialties and may be requested by health professionals who want to make this work compatible with the actual care work, with the consequent remuneration incentive.

In fact, “for the first time”, as the councilor has highlighted, since this year the Medicine students at USC have a professor who teaches theoretical classes in Family Medicine and which is linked to the Concepción Arenal Health Center, in the Compostela Ensanche.

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Garment conference this Tuesday at the USC Faculty of Medicine


García Comesaña has assured that Sergas is “conscious” that internships in the degree in Medicine involve “a stimulus” for the students, while “improves service to citizens” in public health, given that its professionals are in continuous training and research.

The new agreement means continuing a line of open collaboration between Sanidade and the USC since 2020, when the Xunta, with an investment of 70,000 euros, provided eight new associate professor positions to the hospital centers in the areas of Ferrol and Pontevedra. -O Salnés, as well as Primary Care centers in the Santiago-Barbanza area.

In addition, he highlighted the other agreement signed between Sergas and USC to collaborate in the provision of positions for university professors in Health Sciences – endowed with 147,400 euros in the period 2022-2025 – and the 15 percent increase in the number of places degree in Medicine starting next yearuntil it exceeds 400.

However, Comesaña has recognized that this measure will not completely solve “the deficit” of doctorsparticularly in Family Medicine, which affects “all of Spain.”


Along these lines, the rector has claimed that the USC is the only Faculty of Medicine in Galicia and the one that hosts the largest number of students in the first year at the state level: “This is the result of that commitment in which we feel very supported by the Ministry of Health and Sergas”.

Antonio López has highlighted that the agreement signed this Monday represents “take advantage of the full potential of the Galician health system” to train professionals, just as both entities work together on initiatives to get doctors involved in research activity.

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