A new accident happened on the unfortunate Sofia boulevard “Cherni vrah” this evening. The accident this time is in the area of the Bridge of Lovers.
At least two cars were involved in the collision, which, given the condition of the cars, was quite serious.
One crashed into the guardrails between the two lanes, knocking down part of them, and the other was placed on the sidewalk, with its front stuck in the underpass of the boulevard.
The damage to both cars is serious, and their front ends are literally crushed.
There are two police teams at the scene. There are still no reports of dead or injured.
Only two weeks ago, another fatal collision marked the same boulevard. Two girls died there, swept away by a crashed jeep. Georgi Semerdzhiev was detained in the case, who turned out to be driving with a fake license.
Two years earlier, one of the most popular people from the airwaves – Milen Tsvetkov – died in a car accident again on “Cherni vrah”. Then a car plowed into the back of his car at breakneck speed while the TV host was waiting at a red light.