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“New 10 Measures” Mainland Increases Epidemic Prevention Easing, Reduces Health Code Scanning, Reduces Nucleic Acid Tests, Narrows Control Radius, and Enables Home Quarantine

“New 10 Measures” Mainland Increases Epidemic Prevention Easing, Reduces Health Code Scanning, Reduces Nucleic Acid Tests, Narrows Control Radius, and Enables Home Quarantine

After 3 years of anti-epidemic, the life before the epidemic is about to return. Following the “New 20 Measures” to streamline epidemic prevention measures, Mainland China further announced the “New 10 Measures” yesterday, almost completely canceling nucleic acid tests and health code checks, except for nursing homes, nursing homes, medical institutions, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and other special places , Other places no longer need to check negative nucleic acid certificates and scan health codes, and inter-regional movement does not require acid certificates nucleic and sanitary codes, and the “arrival check” is also canceled. Liang Wannian, expert group head of the National Health Commission’s Epidemic Response and Disposal Leading Group, clarified that the time to resume pre-epidemic life is near. The “New 10 Articles” immediately stimulated the desire to travel and return to one’s home cities: the search volume for air and train tickets on the main continental travel platforms has increased exponentially.

After Mainland China issued the “Notification on Further Optimizing New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures” (also known as the “New 20 Measures”) on the 11th of last month, various regions successively relaxed nucleic acid testing and containment policies.

Until recently, the general media and even the official media have successively published articles explaining the characteristics of the current mainstream new coronavirus Omicron and the situation after infection, trying to ease the public’s tension and fear of the epidemic, and even invited a number of experts to explain that Omicron’s virulence has weakened to the level of influenza , “It can be prevented, controlled and treated”, so there is no need to panic. All localities immediately heard the news and increased relaxation, including taking public transportation and entering some public places without nucleic acid checks, dining, etc.

“New 10 Measures” Mainland Increases Epidemic Prevention Easing, Reduces Health Code Scanning, Reduces Nucleic Acid Tests, Narrows Control Radius, and Enables Home Quarantine

The State Council press conference of the Politburo meeting did not mention dynamic compensation

As of yesterday, the official media Xinhua News Agency reported that Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee on Tuesday to analyze and study the economic work of the year. next.During the meeting, he talked about optimizing epidemic prevention measures and better coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development.And “dynamic recovery”. Subsequently, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued the “Notification on further optimization and implementation of prevention and control measures for the new coronary pneumonia epidemic”, also called the “New 10 Articles”. After the publication of the “New 10 Articles”, the Joint Defense and Joint Supervision Mechanism of the State Council held a press conference, but the meeting did not reiterate the “clarification dynamics” as in previous press conferences. In terms of nucleic acid testing, the “New 10 Articles” reiterates that no universal testing will be conducted by the administrative region and requires that people who are not at high risk are only “willing to be tested”; nucleic acid certificates and health codes will no longer be checked outside special places, except important institutions. For large enterprises and some specific places, local governments can independently determine the prevention and control measures.

High-risk areas are refined to the point where units are not allowed to stop work and production at will

The “New 10 Articles” also urge more scientific and accurate delimitation of risk areas, even when delineating high risk areas, should be further refined by buildings and units (divided by independent building entrances and exits) to floors and units, and should not be arbitrarily extended to communities, communities and streets/towns must also be “quickly sealed and quickly released”. If there are no new cases for 5 consecutive days, they will be open and are in no way “closures temporary” permission. Non-high risk areas must not restrict the flow of people and must not suspend work, production or activity.

Asymptomatic mild cases and close contacts do not require centralized isolation

Quarantine control has also been further relaxed. Originally, asymptomatic infections and patients with mild symptoms were to be sent to the “7+7” shelter for isolation, i.e. centralized isolation for 7 days, and health monitoring for 7 days after exiting the cabin. However, the “New 10 Regulations” provide that if these two types of patients present conditions of isolation, home isolation is generally adopted, or centralized isolation can be chosen; on the 6th and 7th day of isolation, two consecutive nucleic acid tests with a CT value of 35 or higher may be issued. Close contacts should not be quarantined according to “5+3”, as long as they are quarantined at home until the nucleic acid test is negative on the fifth day, they will be released from quarantine. In addition, the “New 10 Articles” require all localities to adhere to the principle of “responsible vaccination” for the new corona vaccine and focus on increasing the vaccination rate of over 60s, especially over 80s; – over-the-counter medicines such as cough suppressants, antivirals and colds; schools without epidemics should hold face-to-face classes as usual, and schools with epidemics should ensure that non-prone areas of the campus maintain normal teaching and order of life.

“New 10 Measures” Mainland Increases Epidemic Prevention Easing, Reduces Health Code Scanning, Reduces Nucleic Acid Tests, Narrows Control Radius, and Enables Home Quarantine

Liang Wannian: The time to return to pre-epidemic life is near

As for when we can return to life before the epidemic, Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the National Health Commission’s Epidemic Response and Disposal Work Leading Group, said in an interview with CCTV, “We are close to this moment”. So when to “change”? Mi Feng, spokesman of the National Health and Medical Commission, responded to the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, saying that foreign defense import measures such as immigration management will be gradually promoted and accelerated in accordance with laws and regulations, and further optimized and improved. The press conference also said that all localities must carefully implement the new 10 items, resolutely correct simplification, one size fits all, and not increase the scale at all levels, and stressed that this optimization is not fully liberalized.

The tourism industry could recover and the search volume for airline tickets will increase 7 times

Zhang Mingyang, senior research scientist at Tongcheng Research Institute, believes that the “New 10 Measures” will further promote the inter-regional and inter-provincial mobility of people, and the Spring Festival travel season is expected to return to the peak of travel. According to data from the same travel platform, after the release of the “New 10 Articles”, the instant search volume of airline tickets increased by 438% compared to the same period the day before, and the instant search volume of train tickets increased by 276%. Instant searches for airline tickets on the Ctrip platform also increased by 160%, and the search volume for airline tickets on the eve of the Spring Festival (New Year’s 25th) skyrocketed to a three-year high. According to data from Qunar, the search volume of airline tickets has increased 7 times in an instant. Popular destinations are Sanya in Hainan, Chengdu in Sichuan, Guangzhou in Guangdong, Shanghai, Chongqing and Harbin in Heilongjiang. of train tickets increased by 5 times, and the top five popular destinations are Chengdu, Changsha in Hunan, Zhengzhou in Henan, Wuhan in Hubei and Chongqing.

New 10 Improved Epidemic Prevention Measures (excerpt)

1. Segregate high-risk areas according to buildings, units, floors and families, and not expand into residential areas at will and engage in various forms of temporary closures;
2. Do not conduct universal testing according to administrative regions; further reduce the scope and frequency of nucleic acid testing; except for high-risk personnel, others are willing to check; nucleic acid certificates and health codes are not checked when access to non-special places, inter-regional movement does not require landing tests, Do not check nucleic acid certificates and health codes;
3. Asymptomatic or mild patients with home isolation conditions can be isolated at home, close contacts with home isolation conditions can be discharged from isolation after 5 days of home isolation if the nucleic acid test is negative;
4. If there are no new cases in high-risk areas for 5 consecutive days, they can be opened, implementing “rapid seals and rapid releases”;
5. The purchase of over-the-counter medicines such as antipyretic, antitussive, antiviral and anticold drugs should not be limited;
6. Increase the vaccination rate for those over 60, especially those over 80;
7. Strengthen the investigation of the vaccination status of the elderly with various chronic diseases and manage them in different levels and categories;
8. The movement of people in non-high risk areas must not be restricted and work, production or activity must not be suspended. Medical, public security, transportation and logistics, shopping malls and supermarkets, assurance supplies, water, electricity, heating and other personnel are included in the whitelist management to ensure the relevant needs of the public;
9. It is strictly forbidden to lock fire exits, unit doors and community doors to ensure people have easy access to seek medical treatment and avoid danger;
10. Schools without outbreaks will reopen physical classrooms, and schools with outbreaks must ensure that students outside the non-risk area of ​​the campus attend classes normally.

Originally released on AM730 https://www.am730.com.hk/China/-New 10 items-increasing restrictions on epidemic prevention in the mainland-reducing the scanning of health codes-reducing the nucleic acid tests-reducing the scope of control- quasi-home isolation/ 351733?utm_source=yahoorss&utm_medium=referral

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