Mr. Principal:
I admit that I have fallen into temptation again. After “swallowing” the appearance of Mr. Sánchez at the Liceo de Barcelona where he tried, (without succeeding at least in my case), to justify the unjustifiable granting of pardons to the irredentist Catalan separatists, I had promised myself not to return to “punish myself” by attending statements by the Prime Minister, especially regarding this unfortunate matter.
This time it has been even worse, since when listening to him assure that “HE WILL NEVER ALLOW A REFERENDUM OF SELF-DETERMINATION”, knowing as we know the poor value of his word, we must add the humiliation of attending sarcasm, mockery and bravado on the part of that character whose last name seems to have been designed precisely to define him, and who is one of the talking heads of separatism.
While no one, not even his government partners, believe in what Mr. Sánchez affirms, the Congress of Deputies “part of the laughter” when listening to his “sharp negatives” to self-determination, meanwhile I say, Minister Iceta he hotly defends “a referendum on the self-government of Catalonia”, and for mental hygiene I promise myself once again to “get off the subject.”
But, just in case I am weak again, I rely on the title of that film starring Sean Connery in 1983 and called “NEVER SAY NEVER EVER”, we’ll see if I can resist the temptation.