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Never eat these foods even one day after the minimum consumption date. Not even the freezer will save them

Today’s weather is very complicated from a spending point of view. Everyone is trying to save money, and that means stopping unnecessary food waste. Many of them can be consumed even after the expiration date. This date is given by the legislation, and in most cases we do not have to worry, especially for foods that do not have the character of fresh products. But there are several species for which you should follow this indicator.

Red meat

This type of meat is known to be more resilient than chicken. However, even here you need to be very careful. From the scent and color it can be said that it is no longer suitable for consumption. Be sure to follow the expiration date in the case of ground or minced meat. This is because it dies much faster.

If you manage to freeze it before it does, you don’t need to worry, but either way, don’t risk it later. During defrosting, dangerous bacteria will multiply rapidly and the meat may become toxic to you.

Fresh fish

This food belongs to a special group mainly because it dies very quickly. If you buy fresh fish at the supermarket, be sure to process it at least 24 hours after purchasing it. It is very sensitive to changes in temperature. This makes it an easy target for bacteria that can cause digestive problems. Do not freeze the fish you buy, even if it is sold fresh, it was first frozen when it was caught.


This popular food is very important, especially from a nutritional point of view. We can use the eggs about a month after they are laid. If you store them in the refrigerator, sort them in the refrigerator by expiration date. Always choose the older ones.

It is clear that you cannot freeze this food. You can try to extend the shelf life by cooking before the expiration date. It will last another week in this state.

Photo: Shutterstock

Dairy products

If you are looking for fresh milk or cream, know that this choice is excellent above all for the taste and conservation of all the nutritional values. However, it is necessary to respect the expiry date, which is very short for fresh products. On the other hand, long-life milk can last up to 6 months.

However, all of these foods start to deteriorate very quickly if you open them and don’t consume them, in which case we recommend consuming them within 24 hours. The main factor in extending the expiration date of dairy products is pasteurization. With dairy products, this will ensure that there is no immediate bacterial overgrowth.

Photo: Shutterstock, source: Current wife

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