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Never before… | El Universal

It’s impressive what the human being we can get used to it, from drastic changes in the environment to the most unexpected adversities, our ability to adaptation has no limits. From prehistory to the present day, resilience has become a essential skilland despite constant challenges, we have always found ways to adjust and move forward.

Unfortunately, this same ability to adapt and endurance to adversitymakes us normalize (or make tolerable) things that have never happened before, and the fact that we can tolerate them does not mean, by any means, that they are as they should be.

Dear reader(a) Below I share with you four cases that exemplify what I said in the introduction to this column. And I am not giving you more, not because they do not exist, but because the space for this writing is limited.

Never before have we suffered the brutal number of murders that occur today. According to TResearch International, To date, and during the current administration, just over 194,000 intentional homicides have been accumulated throughout the country. National territory. And just to have a point of comparison (I’m going to round the numbers) in the presidency of Vicente Fox There were 60,000 in the Felipe Calderon 120,000 and in the Peña grandson 156,000. From January to July of this year 2024, the daily average of murders is 74 people. Making a foresight exercise, Lopez Obrador will have accumulated during his presidency a figure of around 199,000 homicides.

We have never before seen 191 convenience stores OXXO They will close their doors for several days in Nuevo Laredo (or for that matter, in any other city) due to acts of violence (without knowing exactly what these were) towards their workers. Femsa preferred to stop selling tens of millions of pesos rather than endure insecurity and/or endanger its staff and assets. Hand in hand with this closure, the president of the Tamaulipas Chamber of Commerce y MatamorosJulio César Almanza was shot dead last Tuesday a few hours after denouncing that the businessmen were being held hostage by the criminal gangs and that collecting fees had practically become a national sport.

Never before have we seen criminal violence in Chiapas would cause the exodus of hundreds (perhaps thousands) of Mexican citizens to Guatemala in order to protect their lives. Conflicts between criminal groups in the mountain and border region for months have forced residents to leave their homes, as there are constant incidents clashes, armed attacks, blockages, homicides y forced recruitment due to the territorial dispute between the Criminal organizations of Jalisco New Generation y SinaloaAnd what did President López Obrador say about this? He called on residents not to let themselves be “hooked” or “support” organized crime groups. And what about the Morena governor of Chiapas, Rutilio Escandón? A zero on the left.

Never before the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) had been under threat of halting operations due to the theft of fuel from underground pipelines (huachicoleo) that supply its facilities. On June 14, an intense smell of fuel was reported in the area, which turned out to be a jet fuel leak from a pipeline that feeds the storage system it owns. Airports and Auxiliary Services in the area for the refueling of aircraft. It was later confirmed that the leak was the result of illegal extraction and multiple clandestine taps and fuel spilled in the subsoil were detected. Last week, a fire broke out behind the AICMthe result of jet fuel theft, which left at least 30 homes damaged. It is one thing to milk an underground pipeline that crosses a desert plain with nothing and no one around, and another to milk through tunnels one that is under one of the areas with the highest levels of pollution. population density in the capital of Mexico and next to the most important airport in our country.

In short, these examples show a harsh reality that we can no longer accept (or resign ourselves to) as if it were normal. “strategy” The idea of ​​non-confrontation should not be an excuse for not acting with all the force of the State against violence and insecurity. If there is one thing we have learned in these last two decades, it is that there has not been, nor will there be, a single criminal organization that does not seek its geographic expansion nor the diversification of their criminal activities in search of greater profits, even at the cost of generating irreversible impacts on the population and its environment.

POSTDATE – I forgot to add… never before have we had 51,234 people (RNPDNO) missing and not located in a six-year period.

Security and crisis management consultant


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