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Neutron stars have mountains less than a millimeter high

Artist's depiction of a neutron star.

Artist’s depiction of a neutron star.
picture: ESO / L. Sidewalk

A team of astrophysicists recently used a new model of a neutron star to map the mountains – small areas that are uplifted – above it. Perfect ball structure for stars. They found that the largest deviation was still very small because small Strong gravitational pull, to less than a millimeter.

A neutron star is the dead core of a massive star that collapses in on itself. they They are the densest objects in the universe other than black holes. They are called neutron stars because their gravity is so strong that the electrons in their atoms collapsed in Protons, forming neutrons. It’s very compact They pack a larger mass than they are at Our sun is in a sphere no wider than a city.

Team’s assessment of “mountains” comes to these neutron stars النجوم two leaves Currently hosted on the arXiv prepress server; together, The newspaper assessed the extent of these mountains. The team’s findings were presented today at the Royal Astronomical Society’s National Astronomical Meeting.

“Over the last two decades, there has been a lot of interest in understanding how extensive these mountains were before the crust of the neutron star broke, and the mountain could no longer be supported,” said Fabian Gittens, an astrophysicist at the University of Southampton. . and lead author of both papers, at the Royal Astronomical Society الجمعية see press.

Previous work has shown the neutron star mountain can be several centimeters high – much larger than the latest team has. estimated. Previous calculations assumed that the neutron star would have a large bulge on its surface if it were Tense to the limit, like Atlas holding the world. But the newest model have found The previous calculations are the unrealistic behavior one would expect from a neutron star.

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