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Neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas: this is what NET is, the rare disease that has affected Fedez

There is a big difference.
«Yes and it is good to underline this also because the behavior of the disease is very different in terms of pain and intensity. And above all, the therapeutic approach is completely different. For the NET there are a series of therapies that must be studied from time to time according to the patient. We always say it: each patient has a story of their own and for each there is the best therapeutic option. After all, in this period there is a lot of talk about personalized medicine. In NET it finds its application ».

What are the symptoms?
«What we often say is that NET is discovered by chance because there are no real symptoms. An alarm bell could be gods busted blood test values. They are tumors that secrete hormones and then change their level. Then there may be protracted diarrhea, very severe abdominal pain but we are also aware that these are symptoms common to many other pathologies. We have patients who discovered it through a CT scan and still others who found the tumor undergoing appendicitis surgery».

Is familiarity a risk factor as in the case of pancreatic cancer?
«The familiarity in NETs is not known while as regards prevention, as for all cancers, you need to eat well and exercise. But these are tips that are always good ”.

At what age does NET usually develop?
«Most of the patients are over 50, even if we are starting to hear several cases of young people like Fedez. In terms of incidence, we are talking about 4-5 cases per year per 100 thousand inhabitants ».

What does NET Italy do in detail?
«First of all we take care of providing good information because we see it even now with Fedez, there is a lot of confusion. Steve Jobs has always been said to have died of pancreatic cancer, but he too had a neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas. Then we support patients and families. It is essential in these cases to have someone who knows what it feels like and to be able to compare but above all find comfort.

When they find you, what is the first question they ask you?
“One of the questions we are asked most frequently is” where do I go to get treatment? “. It is critical for a NET patient to be taken care of by a multidisciplinary team a high volume referral center. On our site Netitaly.net you can find all the necessary information and the map of the centers specialized in the treatment of NETs, ​​all shared also by the scientific society Itanet. Our motto is: if you don’t know it, you can’t diagnose it. This is why we are carrying out projects with general practitioners. They are the first people to whom the patient turns ”.

Why is the symbol of NET Italy the zebra?
«Because it is a symbol of rarity. I’ll explain. When you hear the sound of the hooves you usually immediately think of the horse but it could also be a zebra. The sound is the same but the animal is different. For the last World NET Day we also came out with a book Riding a zebra. There are the testimonies of 28 patients and caregivers who have decided to tell their experience. The proceeds are intended for research. All this to say that i Neuroendocrine tumors are difficult to diagnose but the important thing is to talk about it. Thanks to Fedez who wanted to share this difficult moment with everyone: his example, even without alarmism, will serve many».

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