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Neureut: Drunk cyclists found with severe head injuries

Karlsruhe (pol / bo) – Police officers found a seriously injured cyclist on the Grabener Strasse cycle path between Eggenstein and Neureut on Wednesday evening. The man had almost 1.8 per mille in the blood and had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.

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Police officers find unconscious cyclists

A patrol of the police dog handler squad found the unconscious man on Wednesday evening around 11 p.m. on the bike path between Eggenstein and Neureut. First, the officers saw a bicycle lying on the ground with the lights on. Only on closer inspection could the driver be found lying under his bike. The police immediately initiated rescue operations, and the victim regained consciousness.

32-year-old suffered cerebral haemorrhage

The 32-year-old man was then taken to a hospital using an ambulance service, where, according to the police, a cerebral haemorrhage was found. The alcohol test carried out on him showed a value of just under 1.8 per mille. There were no indications of third-party debt.

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