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“Neuralink’s Brain Chip Project: Human Experimentation Approved in USA and the Need for Clear Regulation and Bioethics”

AGI – The project of Neuralink (Elon Musk’s company) to implant chips in the human brain to help people who are paralyzed or suffering from neurological diseases a communication directly with a external device through thought, is getting closer to becoming reality, with the green light in the USA for human experimentation, and “this is the time to start thinking about a clear and strict regulation.

Why with theArtificial intelligence on the one hand and chip which interact with our brain by reading (and recording) our emotions on the other hand the risk to arrive at Big Brother of Orwell it’s not far away”. He stressed this to AGI Angel Bishopsfamous geneticist among the pioneers of the use of stem cells, president of the National Bioethics Committee since last December.

“I am by nature in favor of innovations, even revolutionary ones – explains Vescovi – and I remember that since the 1980s we had been deep brain stimulation and then in the marrow against chronic pain. Lmachine-patient interface it’s been there for decades. But this is a further step: the microchip has a very advanced technology to interpret the electrical activity of the brain, and acts both in and out. Detecting cues can track a person’s emotional state, even their deeper shadeseven unconscious. We could say that it is very close to the concept of read minds”.

In cases of serious pathologies such as to Sla, or in patients post ischemicexplains the bioethicist, “it is essential to be able to allow people literally imprisoned in their bodies to return to communicate with the outside, thanks to the chip that ‘reads our brain reactions. But the same chip is also capable of sending signals to the brain: it is clear that the risk of manipulation from the outside is high”.

All the more, Vescovi recalls, that We are talking about private companiesof subjects and of these innovations they want to do a commercial use”. These are themes, underlines the expert, which “will condition future decades, and they are radically changing the scenario of bioethics”.

In recent weeks, the Committee is meeting to formulate a accurate opinionalso on the basis of hearings from scientists from all over the world, on the problems posed by exponential growth of Artificial Intelligencewhich unlike Neuralink chips is already a reality that potentially affects everyone:

“It will take months – Vescovi explains – because theand issues are enormous and there are many, we currently have 16 experts to convene, but we aim to propose an overall approach to the problem”.

2023-05-27 07:55:00
#chip #brain #risk #Orwell #effect

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