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Neukirchen’s young water tamers – Cham region – news

Benedikt Mauerer is the first Wasserwart trainee in Neukirchen b. Holy Blood. His instructor shows him a secret world.

From Anna Heidenreich

Benedikt Mauerer stands in the new pumping station in Vordermais / Kager. Since September 1st he has been training at the Neukirchener Bauhof – as a water manager. Photo: Anna Heidenreich

Neukirchen b. Holy Blood.With an average of 1.5, Benedikt Mauerer has the best graduation from the middle school in Neukirchen b. Holy Blood laid down. Since September 1st he has been training to be a water manager in his home town. Very few people know that this is an apprenticeship – let alone what a “water supply technology specialist” has to do. We subconsciously benefit from their work every day. And would look pretty old if the men at the tap didn’t do their job meticulously.

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Further articles from this section can be found under Cham.

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