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Neuilly-sur-Marne: the cancellation of municipal elections is becoming clearer

The list of municipalities where justice cancels the result of the last municipal elections could soon grow longer. This Thursday, during a hearing at the Council of State, the public rapporteur recommended canceling the election of the mayor of Neuilly-sur-Marne. On June 28, 2020, Zartoshte Bakhtiari (SE) had conquered the city, in the hands of the Socialists since 1977, with only five votes ahead of his rival Yannick Trigance (PS). The public rapporteur is thus following the decision of the Montreuil administrative tribunal which, at the beginning of January, canceled the elections. The decision of the Council of State is expected in the coming weeks.

“It was irresponsible to make such a recourse during the current crisis, tackle Zartoshte Bakhtiari this Friday. In the midst of a health crisis, I have something else to deal with than this news. The other initiatives for the inhabitants are completely swallowed up. “

“I take note of this opinion and I await the decision, reacts Yannick Trigance. No substantive debate is currently possible (Editor’s note: in municipal council). Our city needs to regain a working freedom of thought. “

A few days after the second round, a citizen had lodged an appeal for omission of the nationality of one of the members of Yannick Trigance’s list. The latter had also taken justice because he estimated that about fifty signatures did not correspond, between the first and the second round.

“The public rapporteur recalled that the court’s judgment was perfectly in line with the case law of the Constitutional Council and the Council of State,” notes the council of Yannick Trigance. She stressed that the jurisprudence of the upper assembly was particularly rigorous. “Regarding the signature,” she estimated that at least 30 signatures presented unexplained differences. “

This Sunday, the voters of Pré-Saint-Gervais will have to vote again after the cancellation of the victory of Laurent Baron (PS). In Bondy, new municipal elections will be held at the end of January.

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