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Neuburg: Preparation for the big day

At the end of the celebration, the prospective confirmants of the Christ Church Congregation received a small compass from Pastor Steffen Schiller as a symbol for setting goals in their lives.



On Ascension Day, they were presented to the parents, relatives, acquaintances and friends present in the Christ Church as part of a divine service, designed by the two pastors as well as the vicar Elisabeth Gring and the deacon Simone Scheffels.

For the celebration, which lasted three quarters of an hour, Pastor Schiller greeted the visitors and the prospective confirmands. In his sermon he advised them to set goals in life. To do this, however, it is necessary to first know your own location or point of view. “Anyone who, when asked: are you one of us or one of the others? Doesn’t know the answer, has no point of view,” he warned. On the basis of this, one would have to set a goal; for a certain period of time or for a lifetime. That could be a lot, such as wealth, fame, health, finding an ideal partner; but also to do good. You need a compass on the way there. The Bible is such a compass for Christians. There are guidelines in it that show how one can achieve one’s goal. That is why it is the central theme of confirmation classes. A close goal for young people is May 1st next year; so the confirmation.

At the end of the celebration, the boys and girls were called by name to come in front of the altar. There they formed a semicircle and then received from Pastor Schiller a real small compass as a symbol. The small celebration was framed by eight members of the Christ Church’s Trumpet Choir under the direction of Gabriela Lay, who also played the organ. A special event takes place on Sunday – a cheering confirmation. Twelve in their mid-sixties and mid-seventies celebrate the 50th and 60th anniversaries of their confirmation in the Christ Church from 10 a.m. rhp

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