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Netherlands Naval Ship Sent to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Gaza: Latest Updates and International Efforts

The Netherlands wants to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza with a naval ship as soon as possible. Outgoing Minister Kajsa Ollongren (Defense) therefore sends Sr. Ms. Holland towards Cyprus. The patrol ship can also be used for evacuations.

Cyprus is working on an international maritime corridor through which humanitarian aid will reach Gaza. Ollongren will be in Cyprus on Wednesday to discuss this. She calls the initiative ‘very important’. France also already has a naval ship in the region for aid to Gaza.

It is ‘incredibly urgent’ that aid goes to Gaza, the minister told ANP. According to her, the Germans and British have also shown interest in the proposal. She also hopes to hear more in Cyprus about the Israeli reaction to the plan.

To realize the plan, a humanitarian pause in Gaza is necessary. The international community is also pushing for this, according to Ollongren. She thinks that Israel must heed that call, otherwise a ‘catastrophe’ threatens the Palestinian coastal strip.

Israel has been shelling Gaza since Hamas’ bloody attack a month ago that killed more than 1,400 Israelis. Since then, Israel has been bombing the strip, killing more than 10,000 people, Hamas-controlled authorities said.

The Netherlands already has soldiers and equipment in Cyprus. There are two C130 transport aircraft there. These were sent to evacuate people from Israel and Lebanon in the event of an emergency. There are more than 150 Dutch soldiers, including marines.

Jordan this week delivered humanitarian aid to Gaza by air. Medical supplies were dropped at a hospital. This is also possible with the C130s in Cyprus, says Ollongren. If the Netherlands receives a ‘specific request, we will do so’.

Sr. Ms. Holland leaves in the middle of this month and it will take about ten days before the ship reaches its destination. It remains in the eastern part of the Mediterranean at least until the turn of the year. “We are now planning until the end of the year,” says Ollongren, who is also visiting the Dutch soldiers.

An international conference on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, where more than 2 million people live, will be held in Paris on Thursday at the initiative of President Emmanuel Macron. Discussions include providing help. Minister Liesje Schreinemacher (Development Cooperation) is participating in the conference.

2023-11-09 22:41:11
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