Netflix has officially released its first trailer for the live-action series adapted from Yoshihiro Tsuki’s classic anime “Yu Yu Hakusho”. This time, in addition to Urameshi Yusuke (played by Kitamura Takumi), Kurama (played by Jun Shison), Hiei (Honta) In addition to the appearance of the main characters such as Kanata), Kuwahara Kazuma (Uesugi Hiiragi), Xiao Yama (played by Machida Keita), Mudan (Furukawa Kotone), Yukimura Hotoko (Shiraishi Sei), Crow (Shimizu) Key characters such as Xunya (played by Xunya), Genkai (played by Meiko Kaji), Toguru brothers (played by Kenichi Takifuji, Go Ayano), Sakyo (played by Goro Inagaki) and other important characters also appeared one by one, especially showing many action scenes , at the end of the trailer, you can see Urameshi Yusuke using his signature move, Reimaru.
Netflix officially stated that the live-action series of “Yu Yu Hakusho” used the world’s most advanced visual effects to create, and gathered a group of top Japanese actors and work teams to jointly present Asia’s largest battle scene. This work will be officially launched on Netflix on December 14th. Interested readers may wish to pay more attention.
Netflix series “Yu Yu Hakusho”
Teaser art released!Yusuke Urameshi #北村 Craftsman Sea
Kurama #Jun Shison
Tobikage #Kanata Hongo
Kazuma Kuwabara #Uesugi ShuheiVS
Toguro younger brother #Go Ayano
Toguro brother #Kenichi Takito
Sakyo #Goro InagakiA battle begins where “strength” and “belief” collide.
Exclusive worldwide distribution from December 14th!#YuYu Hakusho #Yoshihiro Togashi…— Netflix Japan | Netflix (@NetflixJP) November 11, 2023
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