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Netflix Names Bozoma Saint John Among Group Leaders

African-American businesswoman Bozoma Saint John has been hired by streaming giant Netflix to lead international marketing, as the United States is rocked by a movement against systemic racism and discrimination.

This former Uber and Apple Music, in particular, tweeted Tuesday evening that his fight for the promotion of black women in businesses “took on another dimension”.

“I am very honored, enthusiastic and ready !!! Let’s go Netflix !!!”, she added.

Netflix did not comment on the nomination.

The pioneering subscription video streaming platform has created a “Black Lives Matter” section where its users can find around fifty films and series about racial injustices and “the black experience in America”.

“Stories like Ava DuVernay’s 13th and Explained’s Racial Wealth Gap show how systemic racism in the United States has created a centuries-old financial gap between black and white families,” the group said in a statement on Tuesday.

He also announced an initial donation of $ 100 million to “financial institutions and organizations that directly support black communities” in the country.

Since the death of George Floyd, an African American man in his forties killed by a white policeman at the end of May, the country has been shaken by a major mobilization, on the street and on social networks, against police violence and institutionalized racism.

Associations, activists and citizens ask the authorities and businesses not only to show their support but also to take action – in terms of recruitment and promotion, for example.

According to a 2019 report from the Boston Consulting Group, only three African Americans lead the 500 largest U.S. companies by revenue.

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