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Netflix alliance with Microsoft for its subscription with ads – Apps – Technology

Netflix partners with Microsoft to develop his new modality of low cost subscription, but with the inclusion of advertising, he announced the streaming platform.

“Microsoft has a proven ability to support all of our needs as we work together to build a new ad-supported offering,” said Netflix COO Greg Peters. new subscription plan whose creation was announced in April.

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A modality that will complement the basic, standard and exclusive packages (without advertising), and for which Microsoft has provided “flexibility”, “innovation” and “solid protection of customer privacy”. “Our long-term goal is clear: More choice for consumers and a television brand experience that improves the conditions advertisers have in the linear format.Peters concluded.

It is this last point, as an advertising intermediary, where Microsoft will provide its services to Netflix.

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“Sellers looking to Microsoft for their advertising needs will have access to Netflix’s audience and all its quality television online inventory“, explained the president of Microsoft Web Experiences, Mikhail Parakhin.

The decision to create a new low-cost subscription plan comes after Netflix’s loss of competitiveness in the streaming platform market has resulted in a slowdown in the company’s growth rate and has led to a notable reduction in its workforce.

Furthermore, according to the company’s latest earnings report, published in April, Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers during the first quarter of 2022, a period in which it obtained a net profit of 1,597 million dollarss, below the 1,706 it achieved during the first three months of the previous year.

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