Home » today » Business » Neste will produce diesel fuel from used Hesburger cooking oil

Neste will produce diesel fuel from used Hesburger cooking oil

In this“and fast food restaurant chain”Hesburger“will start significant cooperation in the circular economy. Spent cooking oil from more than 300”Hesburger“restaurants in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland will be processed to produce Neste My renewable diesel.

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Hesburger, on the other hand, will use this diesel in most of its vehicles in Finland, reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% compared to using fossil diesel.

“Every year, our restaurants in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland produce up to 420 tons of used cooking oil, which is collected and transported as ecologically as possible. Neste, in turn, uses cooking oil and other organic waste and raw material residues to produce renewable energy. “As used cooking oil is collected by cars that deliver goods to restaurants, the cooperation will not result in additional mileage,” says Ieva Salmela, Hesburger’s International Development and Marketing Director.

“Combating climate change requires close cooperation between companies. This cooperation between the circular economy and Hesburger is a concrete example of how cooperation can improve sustainability. At the same time, our climate action adds value to consumers who visit Hesburger restaurants because frying oil used to make french fries can be used as a feedstock for renewable diesel to reduce transport emissions, enabling consumers to make more responsible daily purchasing decisions in the Baltic region and Finland, “said Heidi Peltonen, Head of Sustainability Partnerships, Neste .

Hesburger vehicles, which will start using Neste’s renewable diesel, cover about 680,000 kilometers a year. By replacing fossil diesel with Neste’s renewable diesel, the annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is comparable to the fact that 350 private cars would no longer be driving on Finnish roads in one year.

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