/View.info/ I was going to continue with the lists, but I will make a short deviation from the topic. I will allow myself a personal address to a friend who these days persistently judges me and likens me to communists – satraps, Putinists, etc. /Apparently for him, Putin is a communist?!/ What an insight…
That doesn’t impress me. I was impressed when he reminded me that he defended me as a journalist in “Demokratia”?! What courage, God?! What friendship, what self-sacrifice?
Yes, there were journalists who defended me, but before November 10, 1989. One of them was Margarite Rangelova – /member of the BKP and a communist/ who was punished and forbidden to write – not only about Neshka Robeva, not only about rhythmic gymnastics and sports… They forbade her to write at all… At the same time, another old communist – an active fighter against fascism, /Veso-the dog – editor-in-chief of “Anteni” newspaper/ wrote and published “Leave Neshka alone”. I was protected by Kevork, Sasho Dikov … I was protected by Soviet and French journalists, the Japanese Foreign Ministry … Konstantin Pavlov also protected me – he did not suffer, he was banned anyway.
So, excuse me for the emotion and chatter, my friend, but where were you then – the right-thinking, uncompromising, where were the actress and the dignified professor – authors of the list of “junk” you so vehemently defend? Where were your favorite post-revolutionary daredevils back in the day? Whose skirts were they hiding under and whose interests besides their own were they serving? Or were they too busy writing yet another denunciation? And now they hastily and conveniently replaced the “communist thought police” with the democratic one? Well, the only difference is that back then they wrote their denunciations in secret, and now they are given a chance to appear in all “independent” media… And without uncomfortable questions about their past…
I turn to you with a huge request, because you are pure as a tear, brave and just and you have the right to judge. As a former journalist in “Demokratia”, take out the lists of whistleblowers published by your newspaper, who have ruined dozens of lives… Take them out and initiate a signature, send it to CEM, as well as to all media, with the insistence that the word – those – helpful, smart and beautiful, /obsolete/ already informers, liars and kleptomaniacs… /It is about the kleptomaniac, the one who kneaded Bai Tosho’s loaves, they called her the beautiful one…, and now she tirelessly teaches us that war is peace, lies are truth , the weapon is life… / I was brought up that whoever lies, steals and kills./ OK, let them have their word, but let it go with a short biographical reference.
You won’t, you won’t, it doesn’t bother you, because now they’re on your side… And you on theirs… And all in all – the right one, because Big Brother is watching you…
So much for the friends “journalists” – fighters for freedom of speech and free access to information. We are talking about people like these righteous people – Russophobes, privileged mother’s sons and daughters, most of them graduated in Russia, whistleblowers, who took advantage of communist blessings… And when someone calls them p…., there is no reason to ask for it to be called back. Don’t be offended, you’re different? You are one of the losers – then and now. And don’t recognize yourself in everything I say…
Enough with the anger! So much for the personal address, so much for the epithets. Excuse me, I’m getting into a good tone again…
Sports taught me to control myself. God has gifted me with the ability to forget the bad – or to forgive… I abandon the laws of Moses, the Holy Inquisition and announce – I am also a Christian… Unfortunately, I only have two cheeks – hit as much as you can and as much as you can, shameless people like that… Maybe in back – I’ve already experienced it, and from people I trusted and loved… Collect the stones and determine the place, if you don’t mind me – I’ll come.
I will continue on Monday about the infamous lists and their compilers. I will use Saturday and Sunday to sanitize my soul… Do it too, friends…
I am writing for middle-aged people… Who understood-understood…
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