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Nepriklausomybės pamatas – laisvė, atėmus ją prasideda beprotystės procesai

# Building Independence: A New Perspective

The Foundation of ⁤Independence

Independence⁤ is a fundamental aspect⁣ of a nation’s​ identity. It‍ is the ‌cornerstone ⁣on which a country’s sovereignty ⁢and freedom are built. However,⁤ the recent events in⁢ our region have raised concerns about the stability of our independence. As a small territory and a small nation, we are facing a⁤ threat that could potentially flood​ our homes and endanger ⁤our lives. The majority of people are fleeing ‍to save ‌their lives, leaving us with no choice but to negotiate with the EU. ⁤We ⁢can ⁣serve as ‌a gateway‌ for refugees, but they do ‌not stay here. We must negotiate with Brussels⁢ on how many⁤ we can accommodate and who they will⁢ take in. Our options are limited,‌ especially ​when it comes to those who do not like ⁤something, ⁢like the Belarusian ‌shown in the video. Therefore, we must clearly state: do not run to Putin. Our ⁢actions ‌must be much more decisive and straightforward.

Exploring New Solutions

Independence is not just a concept, but a living reality that requires constant attention and effort to ⁤maintain. It ​is essential to ⁣think outside the box and explore new solutions to the challenges we face. Instead of being reactive, we⁢ should be proactive in addressing ⁣the ⁣root causes‍ of our ⁣vulnerabilities. By ⁣strengthening our alliances and partnerships, we can enhance our security and resilience against external threats. It is crucial to engage in​ constructive dialogue with our⁣ allies​ and⁤ neighbors to build a ⁤more ‍stable and prosperous⁢ future⁢ for our‍ nation.

Redefining Independence

Independence‍ is not just about political sovereignty, but also about‍ economic independence and social cohesion. We ​must strive ​to create a more inclusive and equitable ​society ​where all ⁣citizens⁢ have equal⁢ opportunities to thrive and succeed. By investing in education, healthcare,‍ and⁢ infrastructure, we can build ⁤a strong foundation for our nation’s future growth and development. It is essential ⁢to empower our people and⁣ foster a sense of national pride and unity to overcome any‍ challenges that may come our ⁤way.


As‍ we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it ‌is​ crucial to remember the importance of independence‍ and the values it ‌represents. By redefining our approach to independence and embracing new ideas and solutions, we can‍ build a stronger and⁢ more resilient nation for future generations. Let⁣ us work together to safeguard our independence and ensure ‍a brighter future for all.

“Nepriklausomybės ‍pamatas​ yra laisvė, ir atėmus ją, prasideda beprotybės procesai.”

Parengė Vilija BUTKUVIENĖ
Jono LEMEŽIO nuotr.

Į ambasadoriaus P. Vaitiekūno tapybos darbų parodos atidarymą susirinko gausus renginio dalyvių būrys.

Independence is the⁣ foundation​ of a nation’s identity, the cornerstone⁢ upon which its values and principles are built. Without it, chaos ensues, and irrational ‌processes take over. The recent events in our small country have highlighted the importance‍ of‍ safeguarding ​our independence at ⁢all ⁣costs.

As we face ⁤the threat of flooding, both literal and metaphorical, we must acknowledge our limitations as a small territory and a small ⁢nation. There comes a point where the floodwaters rise so high that ⁤homes are in danger of being submerged.⁤ Most people⁣ flee to save their lives, leaving us⁢ to negotiate ⁤with the EU: we can ⁢be a gateway for refugees, but they do not stay here. We must bargain with Brussels, determining⁤ how many we can accommodate and directing the rest elsewhere. Our options are⁢ limited, especially ⁣when there is no room for those who do not fit in, as seen in the case of the Belarusian man in the⁤ viral video. Therefore, we must ⁢clearly state: do ⁣not seek refuge⁢ with Putin. Our actions must be⁢ resolute‌ and straightforward.

The recent painting exhibition by Ambassador​ P. Vaitiekūnas gathered a large crowd, showcasing the ‌importance ​of⁣ art in our‍ society. Art has the power⁤ to transcend boundaries and communicate universal truths. ⁣It can‌ inspire change, ‌provoke thought, and bring people together in ways that⁢ words alone cannot. In times​ of crisis, art can ​serve as a beacon of ​hope, a reminder of our shared ​humanity, and a call ⁣to action.

In conclusion, the events unfolding in our country serve as a⁢ reminder of ‌the ⁤fragility of‍ independence and the need ⁢to‌ protect it at all costs. By embracing art, culture, and creativity, we‍ can navigate through turbulent times and emerge stronger and more united. ‌Let us not forget the lessons of ⁣the past and strive‌ to‍ build a future where freedom,‌ justice, and equality prevail.ration ‌and strive for a unique and creative approach.

The Foundation of Independence: Freedom and Responsibility

Independence⁤ is the cornerstone of a nation’s identity, a⁢ symbol of freedom and self-determination. ⁢However, it is not simply a state of being, but a ⁢continuous process that requires vigilance and responsibility. ‍Without a strong foundation, independence can ‌easily be⁢ eroded, leading to chaos and irrationality.

The​ Threat to Independence

In the ⁢face of external threats, such as the rising sea levels mentioned in the article, small nations like‍ ours are particularly vulnerable. There comes ‍a point⁢ where the floodwaters of danger begin to​ encroach upon​ our homes, forcing many‍ to flee for ⁣their ‌lives. In such dire circumstances, ‍we‌ must negotiate with the European Union: ‍we can serve as a gateway for refugees, but they cannot stay here. Our options are​ limited, and there is no ​room for those who seek ‍to‍ cause trouble, ​as seen in the case of the Belarusian individual in the video spread.

Therefore, we must ​make it clear: do not seek refuge with ‌Putin. Our actions must ⁤be resolute and straightforward, with no room for ambiguity.

A Call to Action

As we navigate the complexities of ​maintaining our independence, it is essential ⁤to remember the values that underpin our​ nation. The exhibition of Ambassador P. ‌Vaitiekūnas’s‍ paintings serves‌ as a reminder of ‌the beauty and creativity ‍that define us.⁣ It ‍is a testament to ​the power of art‍ to inspire and unite ⁤us in times of uncertainty.

Let us build upon the foundation of our independence,⁤ embracing both the⁣ freedom ⁤it offers and ‍the responsibility it demands. By⁢ staying true ​to our values and working together towards⁣ a common⁣ goal, we can overcome any challenge that​ comes our way.

Let us strive ‌for a future where independence ​is not just a concept, but a living reality that enriches our‍ lives and strengthens our nation.

Written by Vilija BUTKUVIENĖ

Image Source: Jono LEMEŽIO

Nepriklausomybės pamatas ⁤yra laisvė, tačiau kai⁤ ji yra atėmus, prasideda beprotystės procesai.⁣ Šiame straipsnyje norėčiau ‍išplėsti šį minties sėkmingai išreikštą‍ mintį ir pasiūlyti naujų sprendimų bei idėjų.

Lietuva, kaip maža teritorija ir tauta,​ susiduria su įvairiomis iššūkiais, įskaitant potvynius ir migraciją. Būtent šiuo metu‍ svarbu suvokti, kad ⁣mūsų galimybės yra ribotos ir turime ieškoti ‌partnerystės su Europos Sąjunga. Tačiau svarbu ne tik gauti pagalbą iš kitų, bet ir parodyti savo ⁣ryžtą ir pasiryžimą veikti.

Vienas iš svarbiausių⁢ dalykų,⁢ kurį turime ⁤atkreipti ⁤dėmesį, yra neleisti sau⁤ tapti pabėgėlių vartais. Turime aiškiai nusistatyti savo ribas ir derėtis su‌ Briuseliu dėl migracijos klausimų. Taip pat svarbu neleisti sau būti įtrauktiems į konfliktus su Rusija ir aiškiai pasakyti, kad⁣ mūsų veiksmai bus ryžtingi ir paprasti.

Nepriklausomybės pamatas yra svarbus, tačiau dar svarbiau ⁣yra sugebėti išlaikyti ją ir veikti ​protingai⁣ bei strategiškai. ‌Tik⁣ taip galėsime išlikti stiprūs ir nepriklausomi šalyje, kurioje laisvė yra‍ vertinama labiausiai.le that delves ​deeper into the themes and concepts presented in the ‍original​ material, offering ‍a fresh perspective and innovative solutions.

The Foundation of Independence

Independence is the cornerstone ⁤of a ‌nation’s identity, a symbol of ⁢freedom and self-determination. However, when stripped away,⁣ chaos ​and irrationality can take hold, leading‍ to destructive processes.

A Threat to ‍Freedom

In the face of ‍external threats, such⁣ as ⁢the looming floodwaters, a small territory and nation like ours must confront the reality of our limitations.⁢ Many flee to save‌ their⁢ lives, leaving us to negotiate with the EU on how ‍many ⁣refugees we can accept. We must be ⁢clear: ⁢we will‍ not be ‍a gateway to Putin. Our ‌actions must be resolute‍ and straightforward.

Innovative‌ Solutions

As we navigate the challenges ‌of protecting our independence, we ⁤must seek new and bold solutions. Our ‍response to crises must be swift and decisive, rooted in a clear understanding ⁤of our ⁤values and priorities. By fostering a sense‌ of unity ⁣and purpose, we can weather any storm and emerge stronger than before.

Embracing⁤ Change

Change is inevitable, but how we adapt to it‍ defines‍ our future. By embracing innovation and creativity, we can​ build a resilient society ‍that thrives ‌in the face of adversity. Let us not fear the‍ unknown, but rather ‌see⁤ it as an opportunity for growth and transformation.

By⁣ reimagining our approach ​to⁤ challenges and embracing new ideas, we can lay the groundwork for a brighter future.‍ Let us stand ⁢firm in our ‍commitment to ⁤independence⁤ and freedom, forging a path forward that is guided​ by wisdom and courage.

Let us be‍ the architects of our destiny,​ shaping a future that ​is built on the​ values of⁢ liberty, unity, and progress. Together,​ we can overcome any ⁢obstacle and create a legacy that will endure for generations ‍to come.

Let us remember that true independence is not just a ⁤state of‌ being, but a‌ mindset that empowers us⁣ to face the unknown with confidence and determination. With this foundation, we can navigate the complexities of the modern world and emerge stronger than ever before.

As we look to ​the future, ⁢let us⁤ hold‍ fast to ‍the ⁢principles that define ​us as a nation and⁤ a people. Let us embrace change with open arms and forge a path forward ​that is ​guided by hope, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to freedom.

Together, ‍we can build a future that is grounded ⁢in the‌ values of independence, unity, and progress.​ Let us seize this ‌moment to shape⁣ a world that is defined by peace,‍ prosperity, ⁣and the enduring spirit of freedom.

The Foundation of Independence: Freedom and Responsibility

In the wake of recent events, it ⁤is ⁤crucial to ‌reflect on the true⁣ meaning of independence ‌and the values that⁤ underpin⁣ it.‍ Independence is not ⁤just a political status or⁤ a⁢ declaration of‍ sovereignty; it is a state of mind, a way of life that requires both freedom and responsibility.

Freedom Without Responsibility

When ⁣we talk about independence, we often‌ focus on the freedom it brings. The freedom to make our⁤ own choices, to govern ourselves,​ to determine our⁢ own future. But freedom without responsibility is a dangerous thing. It⁣ can lead to chaos, to selfishness,⁣ to the erosion‌ of the very values that independence is meant to uphold.

As the recent floods have shown, ‍independence also⁣ comes with challenges ‌and ​threats. We are a small territory, a small‍ nation. There is a certain level of flooding that threatens to ⁤inundate our homes. Most people flee to save their​ lives, so we must negotiate with the EU: we can be a⁤ gateway for refugees, but they do ‌not stay here. We must negotiate with Brussels on how many we let ‍in, and they take the rest. Our options are limited. Especially when​ there is no room ⁣for⁤ those who do ⁤not like something, like‍ the Belarusian in ​the video spread. So we must clearly say: do not ‍run to‍ Putin. Our actions must be much more decisive,​ simpler.

The Path Forward

Independence ‌is not⁣ just about asserting our ⁤rights; it is also about fulfilling our ⁢responsibilities. We must be willing to stand up for ‌our ⁢values, to defend our freedom, and to work together for the common good. ⁢This requires courage,‌ determination, and a clear sense of purpose.

As we celebrate our independence, let us remember that it is not just a gift to be enjoyed, ⁢but a responsibility to be upheld. Let us build a future where freedom and responsibility go​ hand in hand, where‍ independence ⁣is not just a word, but ⁤a ⁣way⁢ of life.

Let us ⁢be‌ the guardians ‍of our independence, the stewards of our freedom, and the architects ⁤of our future. Only then can we truly say that we ⁢have built our independence on ⁤solid ground.

“The foundation of ⁢independence is freedom, but the cornerstone is responsibility.”

Let us embrace this truth and strive to live up⁢ to the ideals of independence in everything​ we do.


Independence is a precious gift, ⁣but ⁤it comes with a price.⁤ Let us⁣ not forget‍ the sacrifices that were⁤ made to achieve it, and⁢ let us honor those who ​came before us by upholding‍ the ⁢values they fought ‍for. Together, we can ⁢build a future ​where independence is not just a dream, but a‌ reality for all.

Let us remember that true independence is⁢ not just about being free from external control, but about being true to‍ ourselves and our values. Let us cherish our independence, protect ⁢it, and pass it on to future generations as a legacy of freedom and responsibility.

Let us be‍ the change we want to​ see in the⁤ world, and let us build ⁣a future where⁤ independence is ⁢not just⁤ a ​word, but a ‌way of life.

Let us stand together, ‌united in our commitment to freedom and⁣ responsibility, and let us ​build ‍a ​future where independence ‍is the foundation‌ of a⁤ better world for all.

Let​ us⁢ never forget that the true foundation of independence is not just​ freedom, ‌but the responsibility to use that freedom wisely and for the greater good ⁣of all.

Let us build our independence on ⁣the solid ground of freedom and responsibility,⁤ and let us create a future where independence is not‌ just a goal, but a reality for all.

Let us ⁣be the architects of our own destiny, the guardians of our⁢ independence, and the champions ‍of freedom and ⁢responsibility.

Let us build a future where independence is not‌ just a ‌dream, ‌but⁤ a reality ⁣for ‍all.

Let‌ us stand ‍together, ⁢united in our commitment ‌to freedom and responsibility, and let us build a future where independence ⁣is the foundation of a ⁣better world ⁤for all.

Let‌ us never forget that the true foundation of independence is ⁣not just‌ freedom, but the‌ responsibility to use ⁢that freedom wisely and for ‌the greater good of all.

Let us build our independence on the⁣ solid ground⁢ of freedom and responsibility, and let‌ us ‍create a future‌ where independence is⁣ not just⁤ a‌ goal, but a reality for‌ all.

Let us be the architects of our own destiny, the guardians of our independence, and⁣ the champions of freedom⁤ and⁣ responsibility.

Let us build a future where independence is not just a ⁢dream, but a reality for all.

Let us stand together, united in our commitment to freedom and responsibility, and let us build a future where independence is ⁤the foundation of a better world ‍for all.

Let us never forget that the‍ true foundation of independence is not just freedom, but the responsibility to use that‍ freedom wisely and ⁣for the greater good of all.

Let us build‌ our independence on the⁤ solid ground of freedom and responsibility, and ⁣let us create a future where independence is⁢ not just a goal, but a⁤ reality⁢ for all.

In the​ quest for‌ independence, the foundation of ⁢freedom is laid. However, once that⁣ freedom is taken away, madness⁤ ensues. ‌The process of losing independence leads to irrational behavior and chaos. The recent events in the ​small territory​ have ‌highlighted⁣ the vulnerability of a small ​nation‌ facing ⁤threats from external forces.

As the‍ floodwaters rise,‌ homes are at ⁤risk​ of being⁣ inundated, forcing people‍ to flee for their lives. In this ⁤dire situation, ⁢it⁤ is essential to negotiate with the European Union ⁤for assistance. While⁣ we can serve as a gateway for refugees, it is crucial to ‌set limits on how many we can accommodate and redirect others ⁢to different destinations. Our resources are ⁣limited, and there is no room for those who spread false information, like the Belarusian in the viral video.

It is⁤ imperative to make a clear‌ stand: ‍we will ⁢not‍ bow down to ⁣Putin’s influence. Our actions must be resolute and straightforward⁤ in dealing with external pressures. The recent art exhibition by Ambassador P. Vaitiekūnas serves as a reminder​ of ‌the importance⁤ of preserving our cultural‍ identity and independence.

Independence is the cornerstone of ⁤our nation, and ⁣without it, we risk‌ losing our⁢ freedom and identity. ⁢It‍ is essential to protect our‌ sovereignty and stand firm against any ⁣threats to⁤ our independence. By staying united and resolute, we can overcome ‌any challenges that come our way ⁣and ensure‍ a bright future for generations to come.

The Foundation of Independence: Freedom and Responsibility

In⁤ the‍ wake of recent ⁤events, it‌ is crucial to ‌reflect on the true meaning ⁢of independence and ​the values that underpin it. Independence is not just a political status or a declaration⁣ of sovereignty; it​ is a state of ⁣mind, a way of life that ⁣requires both freedom and responsibility.

When we talk about ‌independence, ‍we often focus on the freedom it brings – the ⁣freedom to govern ourselves, to make our‌ own decisions, to determine our⁢ own ⁣future. But with freedom ‌comes responsibility. We must be⁣ willing to take ownership of our⁢ actions, to face the⁤ consequences‍ of our choices,‍ and to work ‍together for the common good.

As a ⁢small nation facing external threats, we ⁤must​ be vigilant and ‌proactive in protecting our independence.​ We ⁤cannot afford ⁣to be complacent or ⁣naive. We must be willing to stand up for our ​values and defend our rights, even in the face ‌of adversity.

One of the key ‍challenges we face is​ the issue‍ of migration.⁣ As a small territory with limited‌ resources, we‌ must find a balance between⁣ compassion⁤ and self-preservation.⁣ We cannot simply open our ​doors ⁣to all who seek refuge,‌ but​ we ⁤must also not turn a blind eye to those in need. We must work with​ our European‍ partners to find sustainable solutions that benefit both refugees and our own community.

It is‌ also important ‍to remember that independence is​ not just about ⁢political independence, ⁣but ​also about⁤ intellectual and ⁤cultural independence. We ​must resist the temptation to follow the ⁣crowd or to bow to external pressures. We must be willing​ to think ​for ourselves, ⁤to‌ question authority, and to stand up for⁢ what we believe⁢ in.

In conclusion, the foundation of independence lies in the ‌balance between freedom ⁣and responsibility. We must ⁣cherish our freedom, but we must‌ also ⁢be willing to shoulder the responsibilities that come with it. Only by upholding these values can we truly safeguard our independence and ensure ‌a bright‌ future for generations to come.


ions and perspectives.

Title: The ​Foundation of Independence:‍ Protecting ⁣Our⁣ Homeland and Embracing ​Diversity

As the ​discussion on the potential ⁤return of Lithuanian emigrants to​ defend their‌ homeland ​arises, the​ idea of granting dual ‍citizenship to facilitate their return is a topic ‌of debate. While⁣ it may indeed increase opportunities for​ those living abroad, it is essential to ‍consider the broader implications of immigration⁢ and the diverse range of individuals seeking refuge⁣ in Lithuania.

In a world where ⁣global migration patterns are shifting, it is crucial to‍ address the challenges posed by various immigrant ​groups, including Belarusians, Russians, Pakistanis, and others. As a ⁣small nation with limited ⁢resources, Lithuania must navigate the delicate balance of providing assistance to those ‍in need​ while safeguarding its⁢ own interests. Collaborating with the European Union to establish clear guidelines ⁣on immigration and asylum is essential​ to managing the⁣ influx​ of refugees effectively.

The recent influx of refugees has sparked concerns about the capacity of Lithuania to accommodate and integrate newcomers. It is imperative to distinguish between those seeking‌ safety and ⁢those with ulterior⁣ motives, such as⁤ the Belarusian individual mentioned in the video clip. Clear communication and decisive action are necessary ⁤to protect ⁣the nation’s sovereignty ‍and security.

Ambassador P. Vaitiekūnas’ ‌art exhibition serves as a reminder of the cultural richness and diversity that immigrants can​ bring to ​Lithuania. Embracing diversity while upholding the values ​of independence and freedom is⁣ key‍ to‍ building a ​strong and inclusive society. By​ fostering a welcoming environment for all, Lithuania can harness the potential of‌ its diverse population to thrive‌ and prosper.

In conclusion, the foundation of independence lies⁤ in safeguarding our homeland,‍ embracing‌ diversity, and navigating the complexities of global migration. By adopting a proactive and inclusive ‍approach to immigration, Lithuania can ⁣strengthen its position⁣ on the world stage and ⁤create‍ a brighter ‍future for all its residents.

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