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Neowise Comet: How to observe it from North Carolina?

Many wonder how they can observe Comet Neowise from North Carolina.

Experts recommend high places, with little environmental pollution and little light. The ideal place in North Carolina is Mount Grandfather, in Linville.

“Comet Neowise is best viewed northwest of the sky at night, about an hour after sunset,” Dr. Emily Kramer, part of the research team that discovered NASA’s Neowise, told the BBC.

She comments that each day the comet will be a little higher in the sky, making it easier to see. Kramer expects it to weaken as it moves away from the Sun, so it’s best to try to see it as soon as possible.

“The best way to find the comet now is to look for the Big Dipper in the northwest of the sky after sunset, then look under the” bowl “of the ladle (which forms the constellation),” adds the specialist.

Astrophotographer Johnny Horne installs his telescope to photograph the planet NEOWISE on Mount Grandfather in Linville, North Carolina, July 17, 2020. (AP Photo / Gerry Broome)

Neowise is visible every 6,800 years

Comet Neowise, recently discovered, is visible from Earth every 6,800 years. This is the first comet that we can see with the naked eye in more than a decade, which has become an astronomical phenomenon.

The comet will be visible for the rest of July and early August in the northern hemisphere. It can be seen below the Big Dipper with the naked eye on a clear night. To better observe it is recommended to be away from urban centers, to get away from light pollution.

According to NASA, the nucleus of the comet is 4,800 meters in diameter. It emits a tail of dust and possibly two of gas as it furrows the sky at 232,000 km / h. On its way to the outer solar system, it has approached 103 million km from Earth.

Comet Neowise was discovered by NASA’s Neowise mission, which has a space exploration telescope, as part of routine data processing to detect and characterize objects in the solar system.

Information the Associated Press.

Read the full interview from the BBC

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