Krisper: “The lack of interest not only endangers the activists against the regime, it endangers the security of all of Austria.”
Vienna (OTS) – On today’s anniversary of Jina Mahsa Amini’s death, NEOS spokeswoman for internal affairs Stephanie Krisper from the federal government is calling for more commitment to the Iranian community in Austria.
“We have submitted several parliamentary questions about Iran since the protests began in September 2022, for example about the threat to activists against the Iranian regime. It emerged that the Interior Ministry had been in contact with the Iranian community for months. In recent years, our Office for the Protection of the Constitution has also been unsuccessful in efficiently investigating the Imam Ali Center, which is seen as a spy station for the regime. However, the 2022 Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution clearly shows that Iran is spying on the diaspora and is one of the main actors in espionage in Austria. The Ministry of the Interior’s lack of interest not only endangers the activists against the regime, it endangers the security of the whole of Austria.”
NEOS demand “that the Minister of the Interior quickly assumes his responsibilities and protects the Iranian diaspora, prevents espionage and equips the DSN to do so. And that Austria is finally properly implementing the sanctions, whether against Russia or against Iran. Iranian activists do not expect us to fight the fight for freedom for them. But our government has to protect its rights and take a clear position against the regime.”
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