The leaders of the Alytus district municipality met with the large community of residents of Nemunaitis ward and discussed the works planned in this ward and the needs of the residents. Ahead – maintenance of streets, roads, asphalting, design works, maintenance of cemeteries. Here, it is planned to install a pedestrian-bicycle path and arrange a parking lot. Attention will also be paid to strengthening the personnel. New public transport stops will be renovated and installed. Perhaps the best news is the new opportunities for water tourism in Nemunaity, where campsites, fire pits and other necessary infrastructure will be installed in a few years.
The hall is full of people for the meeting
“To be honest, I didn’t expect to see so many people. However, a full hall is a very good sign. I am glad that there are so many people who are interested, who care, who want to create a nicer and safer neighborhood. Let’s talk, discuss and help each other – with suggestions, ideas, advice. After all, we all have the same goal. That it would be good to live here”, said Alytus district mayor Rasa Vitkauskienė after meeting with residents of Nemunaitis ward.
Tourism potential in Nemunaitis
Residents have been waiting for years for the road to the Užupia cemetery to be repaired. Aurimas Truncė, the vice-mayor of the Alytus district municipality, assured that this work is already included in the municipality’s plans.
“In the Nemunaitis ward, we have planned a number of road and street maintenance works – this is what causes the greatest pain to the residents. Streets and roads will be safer and more comfortable. There will also be more space for walking and cycling, as a pedestrian-bicycle path is also planned to be built here. Nemunaitis township has a lot of potential in the development of water tourism and entertainment, especially since the town itself is rich in history,” said Vice Mayor A. Truncė.

This news brings a lot of hope to the residents of the district, new opportunities to develop water tourism and create businesses. The conditions for this will be greatly improved by the currently ongoing cleaning and deepening of the Nemunas river bed. The necessary infrastructure for water tourism will be installed – from signage to campsites, fire pits, rest areas with outdoor furniture, boat launch sites, observation decks, gazebos and other small architectural elements and lighting. This project is planned to be implemented in several years.
A pedestrian-bicycle path with a natural surface will be installed in Nemunaity, Vytauto st. in the section and on the Nemunas coast from the newly constructed beach to the Nemunas outcrop.
There are many natural and cultural attractions in Nemunaitis borough, which are planned to be adapted for visiting.
Attention will also be paid to public health strengthening projects. There will be activities for promoting physical activity, strengthening mental health, reducing the risk of chronic non-infectious diseases and increasing the average life expectancy.

The focus is on the maintenance of roads and streets
Gandrų and Liepaų streets will be repaired in Užupia. Balninkai street in Balninkai, the access road to Dušnionii from the road Kaniūkai – Einorai – Nemunaitis will be asphalted.
It is also planned to prepare a project for the access road to Getialaukis from the road Kaniūkai – Einorai – Nemunaitis, and in 2026 – and paved.
Design works are also pending for the asphalting of the Nemunaitis – Vangelonys road, which will be carried out in two stages: in 2025. – one and a half kilometers, 2026 – a kilometer.
Already next year in Nemunaity, Kranto street will be repaired next year. and there is a parking lot.
Also, new public transport stations will be renovated and installed in Balninkai, Geisčiūnai and Užupiai.
In order to ensure more order and cleanliness in the ward, it is planned to strengthen the staff responsible for this.
Information from the Communication Department of the Alytus District Municipality Administration
#Nemunaitis #township #feel #year
– 2024-03-28 14:45:05