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Nelly Karim speaks exclusively about “Nadra Coin”: Embracing powerful roles as a female actress is my passion.

Actress Nelly Karim


She revealed to Al-Arabiya.net that she was going to reject the series because of her fear of the Saidian dialect

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Medhat Al-Adl described her as a “acting possessed”, which surprised her audience in every season or every work she presented. Each character is different from the one presented before, and their roles cannot be completely similar. It can be presented in all roles: Khojaya and Upper Egypt. She is one of the most talented and humble artists in the Arab world in front of or behind the camera.. She is the artist Nelly Karim, who appears this year to her audience in the Ramadan race through the character “Nadra” in the series “Nadra’s Coin”, which confirmed her happiness by participating in it as a Saeedi series.

In her interview with Al-Arabiya.net, she said: “I feel a state of always enjoying watching Upper Egyptian works, especially those that highlight the heritage of Upper Egypt. From my point of view, whoever does not go to Upper Egypt has not seen Egypt, and when I visited Upper Egypt, I was dazzled by the charming nature of the Nile and the people. Every time I go to it, I imagine that inside every house and behind every door there is a story that can be presented to the public.

From the poster of the series “Nadra Coin”

* Are you really afraid of participating in this work?

** Yes, in fact, when I read the script, I was stunned by the details of the events and the dialect, and I could not hide the fears that I had at the beginning, and I thought of apologizing for the series, and I remained hesitant for a long time, in addition to the fact that the dialect is very difficult, especially since Upper Egypt is It has more than one dialect, and each hamlet or city has its own dialect, and herein lies the dilemma. When we held several work sessions with producer Jamal Al-Adl and author Jamal Al-Adl and Mando, they worked to make me feel reassured, especially Mando Al-Adl who helped me in every way.

* How were your preparations for the “Nadra” character?

** We held intensive work sessions in the presence of Medhat El-Adl and director Mando El-Adl on the script. I also held work sessions and workshops with the dialect corrector Abdelnabi El-Hawary, who gave me lessons over the course of two months on the dialect to master it in a distinctive way. In fact, I was afraid of the Upper Egypt dialect, but with the help of the corrector for the Upper Egyptian dialect, I was able to overcome my fear, because he has great experience and specialization in that, as he loves Upper Egypt, heritage, customs, and traditions. And he asked me at the beginning to hear his voice in the Saidian dialect, in addition to some other preparations from watching the Said works, and this made a difference to me, and if it were not for him, I would not have enjoyed the work and the Said dialect and its authentic tone, in addition to the confidence or ease with which I dealt with the work team.

*Have you seen any works on Upper Egypt and been affected by them?

** I always enjoy watching the Upper Egypt series, especially the series “The Stray Light”, which is an excellent work and I never get tired of watching it every time it is shown, but I was not affected by any other Upper Egyptian character during the preparations for the role. A “nadira” character is completely different from the characters presented in works dealing with Upper Egypt. She is a woman who lives the suffering of discrimination and deprivation that besieges women in Upper Egypt, and prevents them from inheriting their land, and obtaining money in exchange for them, and whoever violates this custom is considered outside the customs and traditions and considers it against religion.

*”Rare Coin” is the third work that brings you together with “Mando Justice”..isn’t it?

** Indeed, it is the third work after the series “For the Highest Price” and “Faten Amal Harbi”. I have great confidence in the director Mando Al-Adl, and we have an understanding and trust to the extreme. The truth is that he is one of the good personalities in dealing, and he has different artistic visions, details and various ideas, and that is why we presented many works together. And “A rare coin” is the third fruitful cooperation between us, as he stood by me throughout the work on this series, from the beginning of the preparations until now, and I hope that this work will achieve great success, as happened with the previous two works.

Actress Nelly Karim

* The series brings you and Medhat El-Adl together for the second time.. right?

** This is also true, as I was pleased to cooperate with him through the series “For the Highest Price”, as it was one of the distinguished works that were shown in 2017, and he is one of the people who know the value of artwork and presents projects that have artistic and dramatic weight at the highest level, and we have great confidence and sympathy. Ideas, he has a large stock of ideas, and he dives in a great way into the seas of Upper Egypt, and that is why the series “Nadra Currency” is one of the works that strengthens the relationships of trust and success between us.

* As usual, you present in the series the character of a different and strong woman.. Tell us about that

** I love embodying the personalities of strong women, and director Mando Al-Adl always gives strong women their right, highlights their personality, and presents them in a completely different way.

Actress Nelly Karim

* The work brings you together with a number of artists for the first time, including Ahmed Eid, Jamal Suleiman and Kamal Abu Rayh?

** I was very pleased to work with them, as Ahmed Eid is one of the good actors and a decent and polite person on the human level, and he is also one of the most prominent good elements in the series, especially since he is one of the actors who work hard and sincerely to this profession. As for Jamal Suleiman, there are many difficult scenes that bring us together, and he also has great experience in Al-Saidi, as well as Kamal Abu Rayya, from whom I learned a lot.

What are the new works that will be shown after Ramadan?

** I recently finished two series, one of which is the series “Rose and Laila”, which is scheduled to be shown on the “Shahid” platform, and it is a co-starring with the star Yousra, for whom I have all the love and power, and the work is very good and a really interesting experience. The work includes the presence of a number of good artists, in addition to the international director Adrian Shergold.

The other work is the series “Why not”, the third part, directed by Nadine Khan, and it is scheduled to be shown in the coming period, and co-starring Salah Abdullah, Aida Riyad, Ahmed Tariq, Moataz Hisham and others.

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