Home » today » Sport » Neither the baros nor the hens belong in the cage. The miner drew attention to the miserable life of poultry in cages

Neither the baros nor the hens belong in the cage. The miner drew attention to the miserable life of poultry in cages

Baník Ostrava footballers have joined the side of animal rights activists who are fighting against the breeding of hens in cages. Therefore, on Tuesday, they published a video in which they try to draw attention to the situation of feathers.

Baník Ostrava footballers were locked in a cage like a hen


Baník Ostrava footballers were locked in a cage like a hen Video: FC Baník Ostrava

The players of Baník, including, for example, the club legend Milan Baroš, will first catch football goals in their nets in the clip, from which they will then be freed by Slezan fans. “A miner kicks a hen. The hell of cage farming can end thanks to you,” he then appears on the final screen, which links to sites that support a ban on breeding.

“Movement is a completely natural thing for me. I can’t imagine anyone forbidding me to run freely on the field. I think it should be the same for everyone, both animals and humans,” he said in a press release Baník published, forward Roman Potočný.

“We live in a time when it is especially important not to forget humanity. And I consider this to be the relationship with animals and the rejection of indifference to the miserable conditions in which caged hens live,” added Baník’s owner Václav Brabec.

The law proposed by the pirates, which would declare cage breeding to be animal cruelty, and thus effectively ban it, is currently in the Chamber of Deputies, and its fate should be decided this week.

While in addition to Baník and Pirate players, ecological organizations such as Obraz-Obránci zvířat are also in favor of ending cage breeding, on the other hand, the Agriculture Committee and Minister Miroslav Toman (CSSD) oppose the adoption of the law, as they would disadvantage Czech poultry farmers against imports from other countries. But the key to the fate of the law will be how the deputies of the ruling YES will react to it.

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