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Neither so much nor so little: balance as the basis of healthy eating

If there is a scourge that has managed to perpetuate itself against all evolution of society, and that transcends borders, customs, idiosyncrasies and generations, it is that of the gaze of others. That opinion of the other, the infamous “what will they say” has put in check for centuries the most imperturbable temperaments, and destroyed the self-esteem of the most sensitive. And to continue paraphrasing, as the first impression is what counts, our image, or our body, will be what defines us.

Demolishing these stereotypes is a long-term slogan that keeps different actors busy, including specialists in nutrition. Because to achieve “the desired body” there are thousands who leave aside the Health.

Taking care of ourselves goes hand in hand with being happy, accepting our own image, taking care of our mind and respecting our body through the conscious choices we make every day. As a health professional, I will never tire of attracting attention, alerting and remembering the dangers of the subsistence allowance exaggerated, those that are usually seen in magazines, the profiles of celebrities in social networks, instagramers or influencers, who have unfounded opinions and advice, “says Dr. Virginia Busnelli, a medical specialist in nutrition and director of the CRENYF Center for Endocrinology and Nutrition.

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“Throughout history, the world tried thousands of” magic diets “with which that dream figure has sometimes been achieved, but these low-calorie, carbohydrate-exclusive regimes, devilish flours, restricting dairy products, meats or by going on hunger strikes, they totally corrupt the link with food, forgetting what the real meaning of eating is, “says Busnelli, referring to the fact that we are in an era in which many health professionals say” No to diets. “and its restrictions.

Instead, what they are looking for is to focus on society relearn to eat. “Of course, excesses can be harmful and even cause illnessesThat is why the key is to change our chip, seek balance and promote healthy habits, “suggests the specialist.

Meals without excessive portions, a fundamental guideline for a balanced and unrestricted diet.

Meals without excessive portions, a fundamental guideline for a balanced and unrestricted diet.

From a nutritional point of view, the plan is to focus not only on the feeding, but also in the management of emotions and in the practice of physical activity, establishing achievable guidelines, achieving day by day small modifications that can be sustained over time and that, with the appropriate treatment, allow the desired results.

“These days of quarantine They are ideal to return to home cooking, organize the meal of the week, freeze what is necessary, brake with the delivery at all times and give us the time to eat quietly and with the family, “encourages Busnelli, and promotes some tips to get you started:

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Make all four meals of the day without skipping any and trying to incorporate diversity of foods.

Have breakfast: break the night fast to start the day with a lot of energy.

Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits: We always say that the more colors the plate has, the more vitamins and minerals we bring to the body.

Do not forget to drink water: adopt it as the quintessential drink, reduce the consumption of diet drinks and avoid sugary ones.

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Eat with less salt: prepare meals with a variety of aromatic herbs and spices to give them taste and avoid excess sodium.

Thoroughly put together the supermarket list: Since these days we cannot go out at all times, it is important to intelligently buy healthy products.

The supermarket list can be our ally or our worst enemy. It must be adjusted, and complied with.

The supermarket list can be our ally or our worst enemy. It must be adjusted, and complied with.

Do physical activity: move, add steps, even in times of pandemic. There are countless circuits and routines that do not require elements or large spaces to carry out.

Each and every one of the points is easily adoptable, since they do not require a radical change of habits or nutritional sacrifice. Therefore, there is talk of re-educating our diet and not of restricting it.

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“On the International Day Without Diets we continue promoting the search for a balanced, healthy lifestyle, and remember that magic does not exist. We must acquire a complete, adequate, fair and timely diet, “encourages Busnelli.

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