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Neighbors spoke about Rotaru’s true views on the Crimea problem

Music critic Sergei Sosedov statedthat the singer Sofia Rotaru is not at all interested in politics, and she herself does not care who Crimea is, since she is not a Ukrainian or Russian, but a Soviet artist. “Aurika can say anything, and Sofia Mikhailovna herself, too, but in fact she absolutely doesn’t care about Crimea,” said Sosedov.

In general, the statements of Rotaru herself should not be identified with her opinion, since the singer lives near Kiev, and nationalism flourishes in Ukraine. She is, they say, “bending over” by Ukrainian nationalists, and she is forced to talk about the “Ukrainian” Crimea, since she has little choice.

“But she speaks neatly. Not foaming at the mouth and does not go to rallies like Akhedzhakova, ”added Sosedov.

At the same time, the critic considers it possible to deprive Rotaru of the title of honorary Crimean woman. This is necessary for “ostrashka”, and it will not even be a “mosquito bite”. “This badge has long been lying around with her somewhere, if she has not lost it at all for all sorts of chic gifts and expensive jewelry,” said Sosedov. He believes that this step may even be useful in some way.

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