The social and professional integration or reintegration of people with disabilities goes through adapted missions provided to them by Esat Pech-Blanc. In recent months, a team has been strengthening the technical services of Nègrepelisse under the direction of Julien Luans. Various maintenance projects are carried out on the territory of the municipality. They work on green spaces, mow, trim hedges and trees. Trained in the handling of machines, mowers, hedge trimmers and other brush cutters hold no secrets for them. They follow the missions and put all their heart to accomplish the work entrusted to them. They have now made their mark and seem to take great pleasure in coming to work at Nègrepelisse. So much the better because there is no shortage of work, which does not frighten them. Julien, their supervisor, is satisfied with the involvement of his teams and the municipality has a clear interest in promoting the integration of workers with disabilities thanks to the partnership signed with Esat and the Red Cross.