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Negotiations start up again – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Wednesday, the parties met again in Stockholm. On the way into the meeting, the leaders of the pilot associations were clear that it is now up to SAS.

Although there was no solution yesterday, it was signaled that there had been a good dialogue.

The hearing will continue on Thursday in Stockholm from 9 am.

It is important for the parties to find a solution. So far, the strike has caused more than 2,550 canceled flights, SAS states in one press release Thursday.

This has affected over 270,000 passengers.

The strike costs the company 100-130 million Swedish kroner per day. This amounts to a total of 1-1.3 billion Swedish kroner so far.

No deadline

Mediator Mats Ruland says they do what they can to get to the finish line.

– It is extremely important to find a solution. It is a company that is in a very demanding financial situation, it is an employee group that has been in a conflict for a long time and there are very many who are laid off. Not least, there are very many tens of thousands who are affected by this.

He believes the negotiating climate both before the strike and afterwards has been good. But that does not mean that this is not difficult.

– We have no guarantee that we will be able to find solutions today, but I am optimistic. The day will hopefully show that, says Ruland.

At the same time, there is no deadline today.

– As long as the parties have something to talk about and think it makes sense, we can stay put.

The parties meet for a new day of negotiations in Stockholm on Thursday.

Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB

– Working to find a solution

– A negotiation leader must always be optimistic, says negotiation leader in SAS Marianne Hærnes on her way into the meeting on Thursday morning.

– I expect that we will continue with the same constructiveness that we had yesterday. And we are working to find a solution.

Earlier on Thursday, the Danish aircraft technicians ended their sympathy strike. Hærnes says it is positive that it is now finished.

– When we have been in conflict now, all the planes are parked. In order for an aircraft to get back into the air, the mechanics must make sure that they are “fit to fly”. Then it will of course help that when we agree with the pilots, the planes will be able to be in the air faster.

2550 canceled flights

The strike was launched on Monday, July 4, when the parties broke off negotiations.

For a week it was “boom stuck”, but on Monday this week SAS took the initiative for new negotiations. The pilots agreed.

The conflict has already had major consequences. To date, 2,550 flights have been canceled 1677 of these to and from Norway.

On Thursday morning, the current figures for SAS settings to and from Norway are 171. Figures from Avinor’s websiteswrites NTB.

On Friday, 50 settings have already been announced.

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