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Neglected Dogs and Puppies Found in Noardeast-Fryslân Municipality

di 02 mei 2023 12.51 uur

DOKKUM – During a check on a home address in the
In the municipality of Noardeast-Fryslân, the LID (National Animal Protection Inspectorate) and the police found six adult dogs and two puppies that were seriously neglected last week.

The animals had completely matted fur, which can lead to serious complications such as skin inflammation and associated itching and pain. It is estimated that the adult dogs had not been trimmed for at least a year. They were kept in two filthy sheds that were full of excrement and had no clean drinking water.

The inspection service seized the animals in consultation with the Public Prosecution Service. The owner receives an official report, after which the public prosecutor examines the case.

The LID is an independent foundation for enforcing laws and regulations in the field of animal welfare. Twenty-five inspectors spread across the country are taking action after calls via hotline 144.

This mainly concerns cases of neglect of companion and hobby animals. In addition, the inspection service carries out routine checks at pet shops, pensions, breeders and traders, among others. The inspection service works on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

It has not been made known where the dogs and pups stayed in the barns. Do you know more about this case? Then we’d like to hear that.

2023-05-02 10:51:00

#LID #seizes #neglected #dogs #puppies

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