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Negative interest problem for more than 2% savers | Money

This is reported by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB).

Outgoing finance minister Wopke Hoekstra promised the House of Representatives a month ago that he would take action if savers with less than a ton in the account were also confronted with negative interest.

Since 1 July, ING has been charging negative interest from €100,000 in savings, just like Rabobank and De Volksbank (SNS and ASN). ABN Amro charges a negative interest from €150,000.


According to the Dutch central bank, the interest margin of Dutch banks – the difference between their interest income and their interest expenditure – has been declining steadily for years. Banks have not allowed the interest on deposits, especially of households, to fall in line with the market interest rate.

Lending rates, for example for a mortgage, on the other hand, have been reduced.

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