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Nearly 4 Million US Citizens Have Voted, High Voter Participation


THE ANGELS – Citizen United States of America (US) rushes to vote ahead of the November presidential election. The number of ballots that have been submitted in the early elections shows a record high voter turnout.

The voters seemed enthusiastic about casting their votes in the election which would elect one of the two presidential candidates, namely Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

“With four weeks running before Election Day on November 3, more than 3.8 million US citizens have voted, far more than around 75,000 in the 2016 election,” said the US Elections Project data compiling the initial vote data.

This change was driven by the widespread use of the method of voting by sending ballots through the post office. “This method is considered safer in the midst of the corona virus pandemic and political fate Trump, “Said Michael McDonald from the University of Florida who handled the project.

“We’ve never seen so many people vote so far ahead of the election. “People vote when they want to speak their mind and we know that a lot of people have wanted to speak their mind for a long time and have had judgments about Trump,” he said.

The surge in turnout led McDonald’s to predict a record turnout of 150 million people, representing 65% of the eligible votes, the highest level since 1908.

Biden has been ahead of Trump in various surveys, although some states show stiff competition.

The number of ballots coming in was reported from 31 states and will continue to grow as more countries begin voting early and post office announcements of ballot totals in the coming weeks. (Also read: Dispose of nuclear waste in Algeria, France still keeps its location a secret)

All states, except for a few, allow early voting. “The percentage of voters who cast their votes on Election Day has decreased prior to this year,” said the US Election Assistance Commission. (Read Infographic: Biden’s Victory Becomes More Real in the United States Presidential Election)

The total number of ballots by mail more than doubled from about 25 million in 2004 to 57 million in 2016. That number represents an increase from one in five of the total ballots to two in five of the total ballots. (Watch Video: Labor Unions List the Points of the Job Creation Law Deemed Harmful to Workers)


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