“School closed = dead village,” could we read this morning on one of the signs brandished in front of the academy inspection. Teachers, parents of students, children, they have come together to challenge the planned closings of classes in the department.
Some schools, classified REP (Priority Education Network) fear that the teaching conditions of students will deteriorate drastically.
10 schools are concerned for the moment. REP or not, in these villages, one cannot imagine teaching classes of 25 or 30 students, where there were only 12 or 17 per class until now. “Today we have a class where we have 5 children in very very great difficulty, with accompanying persons in the class, notes Christine Saladin, elected to the municipal council of Saint-Dizier Masbaraud, where the school must lose a post. Materially it is impractical. “
The academy inspection must make a new proposal to the teacher unions on Tuesday.