Home » today » Business » Nearly 200 cleaning companies abused corona support: “This is just the tip of the iceberg” Inland

Nearly 200 cleaning companies abused corona support: “This is just the tip of the iceberg” Inland

Two in three checked service check companies have to repay corona support. For the time being, it is already three million euros. That writes Het Nieuwsblad today. According to ABVV Service Checks, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The support was intended to provide household helpers with the necessary protective equipment, such as mouth masks and alcohol gels. The money is not always there, says Flemish Member of Parliament Caroline Gennez (Vooruit).

“The Flemish government decided to keep the sector open at all costs. There is something to be said for that, but then you have to invest in safety and you have to ensure that these products also reach the cleaning aids themselves,” says Gennez. Flemish Minister of Work Hilde Crevits (CD&V) responds that “they have always had an eye for safe working conditions, from the beginning of the crisis”.

“No problematic figures”

Sector federation Federgon points out that it is only 2 to 3 percent of the subsidy that has to be repaid and that the aid has not been used correctly in 20 to 25 percent of all service voucher companies. According to Paul Verschueren, director of Flanders at Federgon, these are not problematic figures.

“In addition, the rules on safety and hygiene have been well observed, thanks to the protocol,” he says. “The risks in the sector are great, but it is not the case that we were at the source of the spread of the virus.”

“Rounded the alarm”

ABVV Service Checks itself raised this type of abuse at the end of 2020. “NPOs in the sector did indeed need financial breathing room, but there was no need for the large commercial companies,” emphasizes Issam Benali. He is responsible for the sector as federal secretary.

“At the time, we clearly asked the Flemish Parliament to also consider the employment conditions of the employees. A corona compensation and a risk premium (for the hours worked) were more than welcome.”

Benali was able to deduce from many responses from household helpers that little protective equipment was supplied. “And when it was delivered, it was not of sufficient quality. We then sounded the alarm and pointed to possible abuse by companies. It now appears that the counter for recoveries stands at 3 million euros. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as checks continue.”

Finance Minister Diependaele (N-VA) tightens subsidy policy: “No more blank checks” (+)

Our Opinion. The Flemish government likes to be the savior of everyone who does business. But she could be a little more selective with our money (+)

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