Home » Business » Nearly 16 million Spaniards have partnered financially with non-profit organizations in the last year

Nearly 16 million Spaniards have partnered financially with non-profit organizations in the last year

Nearly 16 million Spaniards (39% of the population) have collaborated financially with a non-profit organization (ENL) in the last 12 months, which is one million more than in 2020 (37%) have decided to donate to a social cause.

This is how the ‘Donor Profile 2022’ study emerges, developed by the Spanish fundraising association (AEFr) in collaboration with Kantar and carried out on a sample of 1,200 interviews.

22% of Spaniards who collaborate do so periodically on a monthly, quarterly or six-monthly basis. While continued support to Non-Profit Entities (NLEs) through partners and donors has decreased slightly since the last study (24%), occasional collaborations have increased, going from 13% to 17%. This growth in donations is due, in part, to involvement in various crisis situations.

In this way, 3 out of 10 citizens who collaborated with an NGO in 2022 they’ve done with some of those crisis situations this year: 33% of them contributed donations for the war in Ukraine, 30% with the volcano La Palma and 29% against Covid-19. Furthermore, among the current donors, 23% increased their collaboration with these three causes.

Among those who have never collaborated or have done so for more than a year, 13% would intend to support one of the NGO causes in the next six months, almost the same figure as in 2020 (14%). For his part, the current donor works with nearly two organizationsa similar figure to previous years and 4 out of 10 of their donations are regular (membership dues, sponsorships, etc.), compared to 6 which are punctual donations, according to Europa Press.

“Spain is a country of solidarity and the fundraising sector we must continue to do pedagogy to approach the value that the Third Sector has for society and connect with the youngest“, explained the president of the AEFr, Glria Oliver.

Since 2018, financial collaboration with NGOs has increased by 3%, rising from 36% to 39%, but it is still far from European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany or France, where over 50% of citizens contribute to some social cause. And this increase has coincided in recent years with the Last tax reform in 2014, which brought the deduction levels for individual donations up to 150 euros to 80%.

The average age of the Spanish donor is 49 years. Men and women donate equally (50%) and 66% are married or in a relationship, while 10% are single. 46% have children at home and 54% are university educated. As far as the purchasing level is concerned, the collaboration of the upper middle class (33%), against 12% representing the lower middle class and 7% the upper class. As regards the profile of the potential donor, it is very similar to that of the usual donor. Ace, 55% of men and 45% of women will be willing to cooperate.

The main reasons for the donation remain in line with previous years. Empathy (38%) and the feeling of ethics and justice are the main ones (22%), even if the latter decreases compared to 2020 (27%). Proximity remains similar at 16% and the awareness and visibility of the cause increases by four points (12%).

Satisfaction with collaboration represents 8% and prescription 4%. Moreover, 7 out of 10 current donors intend to continue collaborating with the same contribution as in 2022.

The groups that most concern the Spanish remain from the last two editions of this study (2020 and 2018): childhood (53%), elderly (49%) and sick (45%) and focus on cover their primary needs (food and health), through support for the elderly and sick without a family network. Disability is the fourth most worrying group (41%)followed by people with no resources (37%), victims of natural disasters (37%) and support for women (36%). Concern for the environment decreased by four points (35%).

68% of donors have a good image of non-profit organizations. 90% believe that this image is the same or better than in recent years, although most Spaniards believe that NGOs do a very important job, this perception decreases slightly compared to 2020, going from 80% to 75%.

Proximity to the group (29%) remains the main reason for collaboration and increases image, reputation and notoriety by 9 points (23%).

The study also focuses on targets young people and in understanding their relations with Non Governmental Organizations. On the one hand, andThere are a number of brakes that make them recoil when it comes to collaborating. Contextual brakes, such as uncertainty, rising prices and the high cost of living and the economic crisis. And, on the other hand, the attitudinal brakes in which they value the role of NGOs, but feel distant from them.

The study also identified levers to accelerate NGO collaboration with young people, such as trust and transparency, ease of collaboration, personalization or support for nearby causes and for this it is necessary that the entities have direct communication to fuel the collaboration.

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