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Near Rouen, the cemetery where locomotives hide to die

Locomotives have been parked on the Sotteville-lès-Rouen (Seine-Maritime) marshalling yard for over ten years now, a consequence of the reduction in freight transport. Considered at the time by the SNCF as “parked in state”, their number quickly increased to 550. A few months ago, a dismantling program was launched. “But how long is it going to take?” For what environmental cost? To do what with the site then? “Wonders Sylvain Brière, spokesperson for the Defense Committee of the Sotteville-lès-Rouen Yard.

In the golden age of rail freight, the Sotteville yard was “one of the largest in Europe” with its twelve tracks, each 1000 m long and with a handling capacity of 3000 wagons per 24 hours, intended to constitute the trains leaving for all the west of France. Its decline, which began in the early 2000s, immediately shocked railway workers, retirees, traders, elected officials and also residents who saw the carcasses accumulate shortly after.

Insecurity with looters and pollution

Near an industrial area and in the sight of thousands of motorists a day, “the machines pile up, rust, they are open to all winds, regularly visited and vandalized, rebels the former railroad worker and unionist . Agglutinated old carts, but also locomotives in good condition. Over the years, they have created insecurity with looters and pollution. The metals flow, the asbestos flies away and the fluids are mopped up by the ground. Trees grow between the tracks. It’s dantesque! A No Man’s Land on the outskirts of Rouen. “

Daily observers, the committee spokesperson and other members of associations have seen some oars disappear for some time. “Today, around twenty wagons are processed per day. But it is difficult to have information. The site is prohibited and the SNCF refuses to respond (Editor’s note: we did not receive any feedback on our contact requests). Why such a lead screed? I also challenged local elected officials, but nothing! I hope that after the health crisis, the subject of transport will be essential during the second round of municipal elections and the Rouen Normandy Metropolis ”.

The dismantling of the site, according to Sylvain Brière, should last for many more years. “And then what to do with the land?” But, for experts, 21st century transport will go by rail. So don’t let them go too fast! “

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