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Near Lyon: the population alert system tested again during a security exercise

It will take place next week in Villeurbanne.

The Croix-Luizet plant, which ensures the production of drinking water for some of the inhabitants of the Lyon metropolitan area, will be the subject of a civil security exercise on the morning of December 14. “A large deployment of emergency forces can therefore be observed near the site and the sirens will be activated.“, specifies the Rhône prefecture.

The new cellular broadcast alert and information system will also be tested on this occasion. People who were in Villeurbanne and Vaulx-en-Velin at the time of the exercise will therefore receive a message to inform them of their presence in a danger zone. These last “will not have any action to take or particular sheltering behavior to adopt. The word “exercise” will be explicitly indicated“, add the authorities.


2023-12-08 09:07:00
#Lyon #population #alert #system #tested #security #exercise

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