The little chalet where you find eggs and strawberries for sale. ©Agnès ESTEVES DA SILVA
Because Gaëlle’s hens spend their lives outside. Outside, but never very far from their shelter, in a perimeter of about 5 meters, like all hens. Hence the desire of the breeder to install mobile chicken coops. Four wooden structures, self built, have naturally found their place in the meadow occupied by Gaëlle three years ago to create her small farm there. Natural wood, a bit of grating to meet standards, perches and hatcheries, everything is made to be to the delight of these ladies.
The henhouses are moved several times a year, a few meters, attached to the tractor, like a trailer. The advantage for the hens is to always have grass to peck and, for the ground, to have the droppings to regenerate the grass.
I refuse the term farmer! I do not exploit my hens. I don’t ask too much of them. It’s a semantic shift that raises questions, moving from peasant to operator…
Of course, the hens are there to lay eggs. Small, medium or large that Gaëlle sorts using a machine and then puts one by one in box. And it is still her who will deliver them to various organic stores or local grocery stores, to Rennes. Direct sales, which the young woman hopes to be able to develop, in particular via a network of local producers, is still onlya complement.
produce cereals