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Near Collision at Logan Airport: Pilot Takes Off Without Permission, NTSB Report Reveals

Title: Near Collision at Logan Airport Raises Concerns about Aviation Safety

Date: August 3, 2023

Author: Tammy Mutasa

Boston – A recent investigation by federal authorities has revealed a near collision incident at Boston’s Logan International Airport in February. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released its final report on Thursday, which included a video screen capture from the cockpit of a JetBlue plane, highlighting the dangerously close encounter with a charter jet.

According to the NTSB report, the pilot of the charter jet took off without permission, causing a “conflict” with the JetBlue plane that was preparing to land on an intersecting runway. The charter jet had received clearance to line up and wait before the intersecting runway, but the flight crew disregarded the instructions, leading to the close call.

Fortunately, a ground detection system alerted the control tower about the unauthorized takeoff, prompting a timely “go-around” command. The JetBlue pilots were able to pull up, circle around, and land safely, averting a potential disaster.

Aviation experts, including MIT Aeronautics & Astronautics Professor John Hansman, emphasized the importance of such detection systems. Hansman stated, “We design the system in order to have levels of redundancy and support to catch those errors. I think this is an example of the system working like it’s supposed to.”

The pilot of the Learjet involved in the incident attributed the mishap to the cold weather in Boston, claiming it affected his well-being. In a statement to the safety board, he expressed confusion about the incident and apologized for his actions.

However, veteran pilot Patrick Smith of askthepilot.com criticized the pilot’s actions, calling it a failure of basic piloting principles. Smith emphasized the need for both technology, such as the runway incursion avoidance system, and pilots to adhere to safety protocols.

Passengers on the JetBlue flight expressed their shock and fear during the incident. Adam Johnson, one of the passengers, said, “You do sit there and say, ‘oh my Gosh, I have a 13-year-old, I have a 15-year-old, I’m married, how close did I come to not seeing them again.'”

Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the near collision. However, the incident has highlighted the need for increased investment in aviation safety technology, as acknowledged by the NTSB. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has also responded by organizing a “safety summit” to discuss measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

It is important to note that commercial flying remains statistically safer than ever before, despite occasional incidents like this. The last fatal crash involving a U.S. airline occurred in 2009.

As aviation authorities continue to prioritize safety, it is hoped that incidents like this near collision will serve as reminders to constantly improve and enhance aviation safety measures.

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How does the incident at Logan Airport in February highlight the need for continuous training and effective communication between flight crews and air traffic controllers

Tems to make sure that if something goes wrong, there’s that backup to help us make the right decision, and in this case, it made the difference.”

The incident has raised concerns about aviation safety at Logan Airport and sparked discussions about the need for stricter enforcement of regulations and better training for flight crews. The NTSB report recommended enhanced pilot training programs to ensure better adherence to safety protocols and a review of air traffic control procedures.

In response to the incident, JetBlue issued a statement emphasizing their commitment to safety and their cooperation with the NTSB investigation. The airline stated, “Safety is our top priority, and we are grateful for the quick actions of the control tower and our skilled pilots in this situation.”

Logan Airport, one of the busiest airports in the United States, is no stranger to near collisions. In 2019, another incident involving two planes resulted in a close call, highlighting the ongoing challenges of managing air traffic at the bustling airport.

While the near collision at Logan Airport in February did not result in any injuries or damage, it serves as a reminder of the potential risks involved in air travel. The incident underscores the importance of robust safety measures, continuous training, and effective communication between flight crews and air traffic controllers.

Efforts are underway to learn from this incident and implement necessary changes to prevent similar near collisions in the future. As the aviation industry continues to grow, maintaining and improving safety standards will remain a vital aspect of ensuring the well-being of passengers and crew members.

2 thoughts on “Near Collision at Logan Airport: Pilot Takes Off Without Permission, NTSB Report Reveals”

  1. Wow, that must have been a terrifying moment for everyone involved. Glad no one was hurt.

    James: As a frequent flyer, this is really concerning. The safety of passengers should always be the top priority.

    Sarah: I can’t believe the pilot would take off without permission. That’s a serious breach of protocol and puts lives at risk.

    Jack: The NTSB report will hopefully shed light on what exactly went wrong and what can be done to prevent it from happening again.

  2. This incident is a clear reminder of how vital it is for pilots to strictly adhere to protocols and ensure the safety of passengers and crew at all times.


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