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NDR Info News from November 27th, 2021 5:55 pm | NDR.de – Nachrichten – NDR Info

Possible Omikron infected person in Germany for a week

The corona virus variant Omikron, which is classified as worrying, has most likely already appeared in Germany. According to the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs, there is an urgent suspicion of such an infection in a person returning from South Africa. The person landed in Frankfurt am Main last Sunday. Despite the vaccination, symptoms appeared after a few days. A final result is still pending. Two passengers from a plane from Cape Town that landed in Munich yesterday have now also tested positive for Corona. Whether it is the new virus variant in their cases is also being investigated. | 11/27/2021 5:55 pm

Leopoldina: Contact restrictions are mandatory

In order to get the current Corona situation under control, the National Academy of Sciences – Leopoldina – demands contact restrictions. This is the only way to save society from further consequences of the pandemic, it said in a call. By Christmas, if possible, 30 million people should receive their third vaccination. Pharmacists, medical officers, dentists, nurses and midwives should be involved in the campaign. In addition, the researchers advocate that the Christmas holidays start earlier. The Leopoldina is made up of scientists from different departments. It is an advisory body to the federal government. | 11/27/2021 5:55 pm

Digital vaccination records should not last a whole year

The digital corona vaccination certificate should no longer be valid for a full year. Federal Health Minister Spahn said that since the vaccination protection wears off after a few months, a decision must be made to adapt the validity of the evidence to the actual protective effect. An EU-wide agreed regulation is aimed for. So far, the QR codes for proof of vaccination are valid for twelve months, starting two weeks after the second vaccination. | 11/27/2021 5:55 pm

Green youth speaks out in favor of coalition agreement

The Green Youth recommended that its members agree to the coalition agreement with the FDP and SPD. The chairman of the youth organization, Dzienus, said there was no traffic light euphoria. But the coalition agreement opens a first window for improvement. The 125,000 Greens members can vote in a strike vote on the paper until December 6th. SPD chancellor candidate Scholz promoted the contract among the social democratic youth. At the Federal Jusos Congress in Frankfurt, Scholz said that the traffic light coalition had the chance to fundamentally modernize the country. | 11/27/2021 5:55 pm

Collective bargaining for the public sector continues

Unions and employers met in Potsdam for the third round of collective bargaining for the public service of the federal states. Verdi boss Werneke said there was a firm will to achieve a result this time. A negotiable offer from employers is overdue. Verdi and the German Association of Officials are calling for a plus of five percent, but at least 150 euros more per month, in the health sector 300 euros more. The federal states reject this as excessive. | 11/27/2021 5:55 pm

Victory for Dortmund in Wolfsburg

In the Bundesliga, Wolfsburg lost 3-1 to Dortmund. Cologne beat Mönchengladbach 4: 1, Bochum prevailed 2: 1 against Freiburg, Hertha BSC and Augsburg separated 1: 1 and Fürth lost to Hoffenheim 3: 6. In the second division Hannover had to admit defeat 0: 4 in Karlsruhe. Also played: Schalke – Sandhausen 5: 2 and Aue – Darmstadt 1: 2. In the third division, Braunschweig lost the top game in Magdeburg with 0-2. Meppen won 3-1 in Würzburg and Havelse lost 3-1 to Munich in 1860. | 11/27/2021 5:55 pm

The weather in Northern Germany

Lots of, often dense clouds, occasionally rain and sleet, sometimes also snow. Evening values ​​0 to 4 degrees. Snow or sleet in some areas at night, more rain towards the North Sea. Lowest values ​​+3 to -4 degrees. Smoothness possible. Tomorrow lots of clouds, rain or sleet in some areas, especially snow in the mountains. Maximum values ​​1 to 5 degrees. The further prospects: On Monday from southern Lower Saxony to Western Pomerania, some snow or sleet, otherwise friendlier, 2 to 6 degrees. | 11/27/2021 5:55 pm

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