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NDR Info News from June 21, 2021 11:00 a.m. | NDR.de – Nachrichten – NDR Info

CDU / CSU present their election program

As the last of the major parties, the CDU and CSU will present their joint election program for the Bundestag election at noon. In it, the Union promises, among other things, relief for workers and companies. In addition, despite the immense national debt due to the corona pandemic, tax increases should be avoided. According to the current draft program, they are the wrong way to go and stand in the way of the necessary upswing. In the medium term, the Union promises, among other things, that profits that remain in companies will be taxed at a maximum of 25 percent. Those who work in the mini-job sector should in future be able to earn 550 euros a month. CDU boss Laschet and CSU boss Söder want to present the program together. Before the presentation, demands came from the Union to the two party leaders to give a signal of unity after the power struggle for the candidacy for chancellor. | 06/21/2021 11:00 a.m.

Corona: number of new infections continues to decline

For the first time in ten months, the health authorities reported fewer than 500 new infections within a day. The Robert Koch Institute recorded 346 new positive tests. That is around 200 fewer than a week ago. The seven-day incidence continues to drop to 8.6. The value indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have been infected with the corona virus in the past seven days. The number of new infections detected is usually lower on weekends and Mondays than the weekly average, because fewer tests are carried out on the weekends and fewer test results are transmitted. Health officials reported ten more deaths related to the virus. | 06/21/2021 11:00 a.m.

Future military rabbi sees office as “historical responsibility”

The future military rabbi Balla sees his new office as a “historical responsibility”. He hoped that the Bundeswehr will have Jewish soldiers in its ranks as naturally as the armed forces of the United States and other countries, the state rabbi of Saxony told the BR. In view of the incidents with a right-wing extremist or anti-Semitic background in the Bundeswehr, he announced that he would act against such tendencies. It has to be checked again and again whether enough is being done for a better society in Germany. Balla is introduced today as the first military rabbi in Germany in 100 years. More are to follow in the future. In addition to pastoral care activities for Jewish soldiers, they are available to all members of the Bundeswehr as a point of contact for Judaism. | 06/21/2021 11:00 a.m.

Study: Abolishing the splitting of spouses would create jobs

The abolition of spouse splitting could evidently trigger major growth effects. A study by the Rhenish-Westphalian Institute for Economic Research, from which the “Handelsblatt” quotes, assumes more than 500,000 additional full-time employees – with the same tax revenue. This could increase the gross domestic product by up to 1.5 percent, which in turn would reduce the national debt. The study shows that individual taxation of spouses can have a very positive effect on employment and gender equality in Germany. After the election, the SPD, the Greens and the Left want to abolish or at least melt away the splitting of spouses. The FDP and the Union want to hold on to the tax advantages for spouses. | 06/21/2021 11:00 a.m.

Report: Investigation against Nazi security guard

The public prosecutor in Celle is investigating a former security guard at a prisoner-of-war camp run by the National Socialists. As the “taz” reports, the 95-year-old from Bavaria is accused of aiding and abetting murder. He is said to have served in a prisoner-of-war camp near Nordhorn in the county of Bentheim between October 1943 and April 1945. Numerous Soviet prisoners were killed in the camp. The investigations are apparently the result of a change in case law. It makes conditions in some prison camps comparable to those in concentration camps. Experts estimate that up to 5.7 million Soviet soldiers were captured by Germany during the Second World War. At least 2.6 million were killed. | 06/21/2021 11:00 a.m.

Turkey: Constitutional court approves HDP ban application

The Constitutional Court of Turkey has approved a ban against the pro-Kurdish party HDP. This is reported by the state news agency Anadolu. The HDP is the second largest opposition party in parliament. In the elections three years ago, she got just under twelve percent of the vote. Turkish President Erdogan accuses the HDP of being the extended arm of the banned Kurdish organization PKK. It is the second request for a ban that the Attorney General of the Supreme Court has submitted to the Constitutional Court. A first failed because of formal errors. | 06/21/2021 11:00 a.m.

Peace Prize of the German Book Trade to Tsitsi Dangarembga

This year the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade goes to the Zimbabwean author and filmmaker Tsitsi Dangarembga. This was announced by the Board of Trustees in Frankfurt am Main. Dangarembga is not only one of the most important artists in her country, but also a widely audible voice of Africa in contemporary literature. In her work, the 62-year-old primarily addresses problems in the area of ​​tension between tradition and modernity. The Peace Prize of the German Book Trade is endowed with 25,000 euros. The award ceremony is to take place in October in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt. | 06/21/2021 11:00 a.m.

The weather in Northern Germany

Today a lot of dense clouds, with showers and thunderstorms in some areas, and sometimes even prolonged rain. In the course of friendly sections. Maximum 16 to 32 degrees. Tomorrow bright to cloudy, most likely towards Leinebergland in the course of occasional rain. Highs 16 to 26 degrees. The further prospects: On Wednesday sun, clouds, individual showers and thunderstorms possible, 16 to 23 degrees. On Thursday friendly and mostly dry, 17 to 23 degrees. | 06/21/2021 11:00 a.m.

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